February 22.2012___________________ Portland O bserver B la c k H ÌStO iy M o n t h Page 21 Leave a Legacy of Health, Not Just Wealth For Your Health T he current state o f our econom y has raised questions about w hether today's kids w ill be better or w orse o ff than their parents. B ut, as a p h y ­ sician and father, I question w hether they w ill be healthy enough to even live lo n g er than their parents. T oday, m ore physicians than ever are treating children for "adult" d is­ eases like diabetes, hypertension and ev en heart d isease. So, w e should be equally con cern ed about the future o f their health as w e are about their w ealth. T his B lack H istory M onth and H eart H ealth M onth, I urge you to start a fam ily legacy o f good health. T he future o f our children depends on it. It's no secret that heart disease, obesity and diabetes are taking a toll on our fam ilies and o u r com m u- D r . R ani W hitfield by n itie s at a ra te h ig h er than any oth er ethnic gro u p in the country. A nd it is m ostly preventable. As a father to a six-year-old, I know "Do as I say, not as I do" doesn't work when kids are watching and mimicking yourevery move. Therefore, as parents, we have to take the first steps toward building a healthy, active lifestyle for ourselves, with hopes that our kids will "do as we do." C ontrary to w hat you m ight think, tak in g those step s d o esn 't m ean cutting out the things you enjoy. D o in g that can actu ally lead to w eight gain. T o be honest. I'm not giving up m y favorite foods and beverages, and n either should you. It's really about m aking b etter d eci­ sio n s. If your kids are jum ping around heart disease, diabetes and other If you use tw o sticks o f butter in with their W ii gam e, join them. If d isea ses. y o u r fam ous peach cobbler, use one they're playing tag in the backyard, So this m onth, and y ear round, o r a h ealth ier b u tter substitute. If be "it." O ne thing I love to do with my I'm taking a pledge, and I hope you you use salt pork in collard greens, daughter is dance because it’s good w ill too: I pledge to leave m y d augh­ try sm oked turkey instead. If you exercise and lets us be silly together. ter w ith b etter health habits than the love soda, try a low - o r no-calorie L eaving a legacy o f good health generation before her. I w ill leave version o r d rin k from a sm aller cup. doesn't have to be serious and b o r­ h er w ith less risk for heart disease, A nother problem I often see in ing, so have fun w ith it. diabetes and obesity. I w ill be active m y practice is the idea that kids need T his isn't a letter o f "shoulda, for her and w ith her. A nd I w ill m ake to "clean their plate. " T his w as once coulda, w ouldas" because I under­ decisions that set her on the path to a good rule, but now that we are stand food is a cultural and satisfy ­ good health for the rest o f h er life. feed in g o u r ch ild ren ad u lt-sized ing experience. R ather, it is a c h al­ G o o d luck creating y o u r fam ily's portions, it can be dangerous. lenge fo r you to take inventory o f good health legacy for this genera­ W ith m y daughter, I allow h er to your fam ily's health habits and m ake tion and the next. decide w hen she's full, clean plate or sm all adjustm ents that could bring Dr. Rani G. Whitfield, known best not, because kids are good at say ­ about big changes. as "The Hip Hop Doc," is a board ing w hen they've had enough. So, Studies show that ju st a sm all certified family physician with a pri­ next tim e you sit dow n to dinner, put w eight loss can reduce the risk o f vate practice in Baton Rouge, La. a little less on y o u r ch ild 's plate and listen w hen they tell you they're full. THE ONLY PRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE NATIONAL It m ight also help you rethink the KENNEDY CENTER TOUR! am ount on y o u r plate, too. Lastly, fam ily tim e shouldn't only be TV tim e. G et up and be active to g eth er. FEATURING AN ALL AFRICAN-AMERICAN CAST Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled sta ff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINACOLUMN TM An ongoing series of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession. Part 24. Osteoarthritis: you needn’t be frightened about a frightening problem anymore : I have been having a lot has been found that pain and o steo ­ stre sse s. O u r c h ie f p u rp o se then o f pain in m y neck. T he arthritis are both caused by the sam e is to re m o v e the stre ss o r irrita ­ doctor said that it w as o steo arth problem ri­ . M echanical stress on the tio n fro m the jo in t (a n d n e rv e s) tis and that I w ould have learn to bone and jo in ts is the biggest cause - n o t o n ly to re d u c e p a in 'b u t to live w ith it. W hat is y our opinion? o f pain and also the cause o f that a llo w th e b o n e s to be as h e alth y : A s y o u m ig h t k n o w , d eform ity o f the jo in t your doctor as p o ssib le as w ell. If yo u have th e r e is a tr e m e n d o u s calls osteoarthritis . jo in t p a in , i s n ’t it tim e y o u am ount o f health research going In C h iro p ra c tic w e e v a lu a te ste p p e d up to , e ffe c tiv e C h iro ­ on today M uch relates to the spine w h e re th e jo in t an d b o n e s are p ra c tic ? and nervous system . Y ou m ight ask your d octor if he has read the latest study on osteoarthritis. T he 2124N.E. HancockStreet study show ed that there w as no correlation betw een the am ount PortlandOregon97212 o f osteo-arthritis and the am ount o f pain a person suffers. In fact it Q A Flowers' Chiropractic Office Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 FEB. 25 MAR.18 I L rC G T re WINNINGSTAD THEATRE 1111 S.W BR O ADW AY at MAIN, PORTLAND 503-228-9571 -WWW.OCTC.ORG Key Bank B a ¿ I k (On