Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 15, 2012, Page 7, Image 7

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    Februaiy IS, 2012____________________
The p o r tlancj O bserver B la c k H ¡S tO fy M o n t h
Page 7
World Stage
Theatre Play
L ooking for a w ay to celebrate B lack H istory M onth or learn
about black history w ith other students, fam ily and o r friends?
L ook no further than the W orld Stage T heatre p resentation o f
the play “W ho I am C elebrating M e.
T he play is a m ontage o f historical and prom inent A frican-
A m erican figures perform ed by local com m unity artists and
talented youth, including the w orks o f Jefferso n alum ni A lonzo
C hadw ick, D onya Frazier, E ldon T Jones, K ristin W arren
R obinson, S halanda B row n-S im s, Sharon T hom as and m ore.
Y ou d o n ’t w ant to m iss it! S how s Friday, Feb. 24 at 7:30 at
Jefferson H igh S chool. A dvance $5 tickets are available by
calling R eyna at 503-960-5080. T ickets at the door are $7.50.
Participants in the local Black
History Month production of
‘Who I am Celebrating Me. ”
Tuition-Free Magnet Expands
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
T he M iddle College program , in
partnership with Portland C om m u­
nity C ollege’s C ascade C am pus and
S elf Enhancem ent Inc., allow s stu­
dents to earn transferable college
credit w hile they’re still enrolled in
high school. M ost students in the
program will finish high school hav­
ing earned betw een 12 and 45 college
credits; the m ost am bitious students
can earn an associate’s degree.
“The Jefferson M iddle C ollege
program is built on a solid found a­
tion o f support from Jefferson teach­
ers, PC C faculty, and SE I m entors
an d staff,” said P o rtlan d Public
S c h o o ls S u p e rin te n d e n t C a ro le
Sm ith. “I ’m pleased that O regon
State, Portland State and W arner
P acific are turning a b e lie f in the
m iddle college m odel into scholar­
ship opportunities for o u r students.”
T he M iddle C ollege scholarships
w ill enable credit- and incom e-eli­
gible students to continue their stud­
ies, essentially for free, all the w ay to
a b ach elo r’s degree.
“W e ’re thrilled that O regon State,
P ortland State and W arner Pacific
are becom ing part o f the M iddle
C ollege success story,” said PC C
C ascade C am pus P resident A lgie
G atew ood. “T ogether, this program
and these scholarships can bring
about a generational shift in our
neighborhood. I c a n ’t think o f a n ­
other exam ple w here students can
enjoy this level o f hope and oppor­
tu n ity .”
Last fall, the program expanded
from an opt-in program to encom ­
pass every incom ing Jefferson fresh­
m an. Students w ill typically spend
their ninth- and lO th-grade years at
Jefferson preparing for collegiate-
level studies, and their 11th- and
12th-grade years taking courses at
both Jefferson and PCC.
A s they prepare for the tran si­
tion to PC C , M iddle C ollege stu ­
dents learn to navigate the college
ad m issio n s and reg istratio n p ro ­
cesses, and generally becom e accli­
m ated to a collegiate environm ent.
W hile at PC C , they study alongside
m ainstream college students. T hey
also receive individual case m an ­
agem ent and support services from
S elf-E nhancem ent Inc., a longtim e
north P ortland-based ed ucational
“W hen we say we provide ‘w rap­
aro u n d ’ support, w e m ean it,” said
T ony H opson, President and C EO .
“ SEI shores up students and fam i­
lies socially and, w here possible,
financially so that students have
their best chance at college and a
bright future.”
T hrough generous donors, SEI
also aw ards hundreds o f thousands
in college scholarships to th eir stu­
d e n ts e a c h y e a r an d J e ffe rs o n
M iddle C ollege students w ill now
be am ong the beneficiaries.
Portland School Board co-chair Pam
Knowles said, “W e are excited about
today’s announcement. The expand­
ing scholarships are helping establish
the Jefferson Middle College as a go-to
school for families who want a college
future for their students.”
T o learn m ore about the Jefferson
H igh School - M iddle C ollege for
A dvanced
S tu d ie s ,
v is it
pps.k 12 .o r.u s/sch o o ls/jefferso n .
com t S
Moving t m Nation
O re g o n /S W W a s h in g to n
Black History Month
Wed., February 29, 2012
Door opens at 11:45am
Program starts at 12:00pm
V i
T ■*
L u n c h w ill b e p r o v id e d
Portland Development Commission
222 NW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97209
“The Impacts of
the Civil Rights
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. LeRoy Haynes
k ill
Sr. P asto r o f A lle n T em ple C h ris tia n
M e th o d is t E piscop al C h u rc h - P o rtla n d
Dr. LeRoy Haynes also serves as the Presiding Elder of the Alaska. Oregon, and Washington District of the
Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Churches, and President of the North Portland Bible College. He is a
dedicated religious educator, compassionate community leader, and played an influential role as an organizer
and activist in the Civil Rights Movement.
TriMet’s Diversity &
Transit Equity Dept.
PDC & Franz Bakery