February 15, 2012 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 23 B L A C K H IS T O R Y for February PAR SUNDAY O N T H MONDAY THURSDAY 1 National Freedom Day Langston Hughes Robinson Crusoe Day First meeting of the U.S Supreme Court, 1790 5 6 Super Bowl Day Weatherman's Day Disaster Day Hank Aaron bom, 1934 Babe Ruth bom, 1895 Monopoly Board Game Goes on Sale in Stores, 1935 12 Judy Blume Abraham Lincoln 16th President bom, 1809 First Barbie Dolls for sale Get a Different Name Day First Public School established, 1635 20 President's Day John Glenn first person to orbit the Earth on this date in 1962. Love Your Pet Day 26 27 Levi Strauss bom, 1829 Pony Express Rider William F. Cody bom, 1864 Purim Begins at sundown. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow bom, 1807 International Polar Bear Day Author John Steinbeck bom, 1902 7 Charles Dickens bom, 1812 Laura Ingalls Wilder bom, 1867 13 O 19 • Phonograph Patented by Thomas Edison in 1878 Mr. Roger’s Neighbor­ hood Debuted, 1968 O 14 Valentine’s Day W ar D ance M ulticultural Film Festival North Portland Library 512 N. Killingsworth St. 5 :00pm-7:30pm 21 Mardi Gras, 47 days before Easter (aka Fat Tuesday). Malcom X Assassinated 1965 Washington Monument dedicated, 1885 28 Public Sleeping Day 2 Groundhog Day 8 Boy Scouts' Day Founded, 1910 Author Jules Verne bom, 1828 15 Norman Bridwell National Gumdrop Day Susan B. Anthony bom, 1820 22 George Washington bom, 1732 Be Humble Day World Thinking Day FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 Elizabeth Blackwell (first female doctor) Elmo's Birthday (Sesame Street) Vietnam War Ended, 1973 9 Hershey's Chocolate Founded, 1894 National Weather Service Established, 1870 Toothache Day 16 Nylon Patented By DuPont, 1937 King Tut s Burial Chamber opened in 1923 23 International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day U.S. Flag raised at Iwo Jima’, 1945 4 Russell Hoban Charles Lindbergh bom, 1902 Create a Vacuum Day Rosa Parks bom, 1913 10 11 Umbrella Day Ratification of the 25th Amendment, Presiden­ tial Succession, 1967 Jane Yolen Thomas Edison Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day National Inventors' Day White T-Shirt Day 17 18 Random Acts of Kindness Day National P.T.A. Founders Day, 1897 Former planet, Pluto, Discovered By Clyde Tombaugh, 1930 24 Wilhelm Carl Grimm bom, 1786 Gordon Sesame Street Personality 25 Quiet Day Artist Pierre Auguste Renoir bom, 1841 < Multicultural Film Festival Every 2nd Tuesday Tach Month Our State Senator Hall Frida} M « . > n g l i n in g »age ,olx M arch 9ih 12:(X) l ' \ l .loin State Senatoi Chip Shields, to , :3 0 P M / Vigw Industrial 5555 \ along w uh State RepresentativesTina Channel A\e Portland. Oregon Kotek and I a ' \ \ Frederick at a l oun 9 7 2 17 Swan Island