Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 15, 2012, Page 20, Image 20

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"n» Portland Observer Black HistOiy M o n th
__________________ Februaiy IS, 2012
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC
Zchon R. Jones, DC
333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212
(503) 284-7838
Truly mtiking a difference in the lives of
Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years.
If you or someone you know has been in an accident,
call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838
We are located on the
corner ofM LK and Russell
Street, on the second floor
above the coffee shop.
Providence Heart and Vascular Institute surgeon Dr. Eric Kirker
(left), and interventional cardiologists Dr. Todd Caulfield, and Dr.
Robert Hodson, explain the historic and minimally invasive
procedure to implant the Sapien valve during a news conference
last week.
Parkins Aiea
333 NE
Russell St
Celebrating Purim
The Hidden
Hand of God
Jerry & Annie
Make plans to be with us on
this Special Evening!
We will also be receiving
The Offering of Fire
Valve Implant
Advances Heart Care
“T his is a gam e changer. T his is
the beginning o f a transform ational
change in the care o f patients w ith
valvular heart d isease,” said Dr.
T odd C aulfield, Providence m edical
directo r o f card io v ascu lar research.
C ardiac history has been m ade in “ In the future w e w ill see m ore pa­
O regon, as an internationally trained tients treated at y o u n g er ages and
team o f heart experts im planted a w ith b etter results by using these
collapsible Sapien heart valve in a transcatheter procedures rather than
patient at Providence St. V incent open-heart tech n iq u es.”
T he valve is used in
M edical C enter.
the treatm ent o f severe
T he p rocedure was
aortic stenosis for p a ­
p e rfo rm e d Feb. 1 on
tients w ho are too ill for
Benjam in W iener, 91, o f
c o n v e n ti o n a l
V ancouver.
heart surgery.
T he S apien valve re­
T h e d e v ic e c an be
ceiv ed FD A approval
d e liv e r e d p e r c u ta n e -
late last fall, and P ro v i­
ously or with a m inim ally
dence w as selected as Ben Weiner
invasive tw o-inch inci­
the first location in O r­
egon to perform the groundbreaking sion in the groin - com pared to
traditional surgery that involves a
m inim ally invasive procedure.
P ro v id en c e p re p a red fo r five m uch longer incision in the chest
years for the surgery, estab lish in g a and saw ing o f the breast plate.
“T h is new FD A -approved m ini­
m ulti-disciplinary clinic fo r valve
p a tie n ts, and sen d in g su rg e o n s, m ally invasive heart valve rep lace­
cardiologists and an an esth esio lo ­ m ent procedure is not m eant to re ­
gist to train w ith top experts in the place conventional o p en-heart sur­
gery. It is m eant to be one m ore tool
field in C an ad a and G erm any.
T he Sapien valve has been av ail­ in caring for people too ill fo r open-
able outside o f the U nited States h e a r t s u r g e r y ,” e x p la in e d D r.
since 2007.
introduces latest
H ealth W
R a c e a n d J u s t ic e L e c t u r e - R eed
Friday, March 2nd at 7pm
N e w S o n g C o m m u n it y C e r n e r
2511 NE MLK Blvd « Portland, OR 97212
C o m e r of NE M IK Blvd and Russell Street
For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481
or log on to w w w . m f h m p o r t l a n d . c o m
C ollege invites the public to hear
esteem ed H arvard Law School pro­
fessor C harles J. O gletree Jr. w ho
will give a B lack H istory M onth talk
on “R ace, R acism , and D iscrim in a­
tion in A m erica,” on Saturday, Feb.
18at7:30p.m . in V ollum Lecture Hall
on the southeast P ortland cam pus.
lege CascadeCampus;The Hollywood
Theatre, and M cM enam ins Kennedy
S c h o o l. F o r a s c h e d u le , g o to
I n t e r n a t io n a l F ilm F e s tiv a l - The
N orthw est F ilm C en ter prem iers
m ore than 100 international short
and feature film s to P ortland audi­
ences each February. For in fo rm a­
tion visit n w film .o rg .
F estiv a l o f A fr ic a n F ilm s --T h e 22nd
B lo o d , M u r d e r a n d D o u b le C r o sse s
annual Cascade Festival o f African
Films is now underway with more than
20 films shown through M arch 3 at
three locations, the M oriarty A udito­
rium on the Portland Com m unity Col-
- L akew ood T heatre C om pany pre­
sents the m y stery /th riller D eadly
M u rd er. N o w sh o w in g th ro u g h
Sunday, Feb. 19 at the L akew ood
C en ter for the A rts in L ake O sw ego.