Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 15, 2012, Page 12, Image 12

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    Portland O bserver
Page 12
B lack H ¡Story Month ____________
We’re in the business
of providing hope,
access and potential.
Februaiy IS. 2012
Participate in Democracy Kote
rtrfuzn your ballot by mail or drop i f o ff a t any daagn ottd w trr
dropatt. Call 1-666-473-6683 to find a location naaryou.
J f ^ o r t la n h
Join us.
Cty d bat'
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On Way
People o f color
fin d a political fit
faafai— • — fa
om e F o rw a rd (fo rm e rly th e H o u s in g A u th o rity o f
C o n ta c t H om e F o rw a rd fo r m ore
P o rtla n d ) provides shelter and s u p p o rt for o u r n eigh bo rs
inform a tion o r to learn a b o u t s p e c ific
in need. B e c a u s e w ith th e e s s e n tia ls o f a hom e, in d iv id u a ls
o p p o rtu n itie s , o r fo r in fo rm a tio n
can m ove forw ard in life. Today, w e are m ore c o m m itte d than ever
a b o u t re s o u rc e s s u c h as free training,
to serving our co m m u n ity of M ultn om ah C o u n ty by providing
technical assistance, and w o rk fo rc e
h op e , a c c e s s , and th e p o te n tia l fo r a b e tte r to m o rro w .
hiring and training program s.
To achieve our goals, however, requires the help o f o u r business
p artn e rs. W e fre q u e n tly have c o n tra c t o p p o rtu n itie s —p a rtic u la rly
for m inority, w om en-ow ned and em erging sm all businesses -
in the follow ing areas:
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• P rofessional Services
• C o n stru ctio n Services
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h* fa* <a* fa» M» Premiere bends live theater to live basketball
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T o c o n ta c t
• Social Services
The Portland Observer
hope, access potential
Call 503-288-0033
For more information, contact:
hom efo rw a rd .org
or email ads@portlandobserver.com
Cmna'Mon Williams, CPPO, CPPB, MCA
Procurement & Contracts Manager • 503 802.8533
Get Electric
Wire a Light Workshop - An introduction to the Electrical Trade
Electricians enjoy satisfying careers while at the same time earning up to $37 an hour at the and of an apprenticeship.
Coma learn how to wire a light, meet electricians from the industry, and find out how you can apply for this opportunity.
An Evening fo r W omen
An Evening fo r Men
March 5 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
March 6 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. (503) 335-8200 x 31 for more info
I '
Constructing Hope (503) 281-1234 for more info
Oregon Tradeswom en, Inc.
W r X iT K f \ f
w »M tir PvnM M M
Both • workshops
be held • at Constructing Hope at 405 NE Church, Portland 97211
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