Page '0________________________ ^ Portland Observer Black HiStOiy M o n th Fiscal Shortfall Peninsula Little League 2012 (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14) email us at: Softball Program Level Minor Major Junior Ages 8-1 0 10-12 13-14 Regular Sign-ups $50/T-Ball, $75 All other levels $150/Family(3 or more) THURSDAYS at Boys and G irls Club Community Center 5250 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd January 26th and February 2nd 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Questions contact: M a rk Washington ~ SATURDAYS at Peninsula Community Center 503-288-0033 700 N Rosa Parks Way February 4th and February 11th 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Items to bring to sign-ups: Proof of Address Player Fee c o n t i n u e d f r o m fron t Baseball Program Level T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior __________________ February IS, 2012 Ages 5 -6 7 -8 8 -1 0 10-12 13-14 Questions contact: Anthony Jordan ~ 503-969-6483 TUESDAY at Applebee’ s 1439 NE Halsey February 21 5-8pm Registration and Fundraiser 10% of proceeds benefit League Little League Baseball, Incorporated does not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race creed, color, national, origin, gender, sexual preference or religious preference. and union healthcare costs, which are projected to be 42 percent of the underlying payroll tax revenues in five years. “If we continue without making changes, we will have a wider imbal­ ance each year,” said McFarlane in a visit to the offices of the Portland Observer last week. “W e’ve got these structural imbalances that have to be adjusted.” In an effort to attain feedback from the public and prepare for the future financial changes, TriMet created a new Budget Task Force, which initi­ ated a survey in which 4,800individu­ als participated since last October to begin to face the changes that lie ahead. “It gave us a chance to have a much better conversations with the public,” he said. “What we heard is a huge preference for preserving ser­ vice, and there is a tolerance to in­ creasing fares, if the services remain whole.” Necessary steps, he said, will in­ clude the change from single ride tickets that currently allow return trips with a two hour transfer, to a one-way only flat fare ticket, in which the trans­ fer only works for travel in the same direction. The new flat fare rate would be $2.50, a 10 cent increase from the current all-zone fare and 40 cents more than the current 2-zone fare. The creation of a round trip all day pass will cost a rider the same as the current day pass, which is $5. O ther ch an g es include the reconfiguration of 14 bus trips with low ridership, shortened MAX Air­ port services and an increase in the Youth one way ticket by 15 cents. Honored Citizen fares, however, will not change and there will be additional LIFT services provided. But even with the short-term pain, McFarlane said there are still a num­ ber of positive changes happening as the transit service moves forward. “I’m more optimistic today than I was then,” he said, referring the initial budget forecast last year. "We have to be alive to changes within our city all the time,” he said. “We have to look at today, but we also have a responsibility to look into the future.” The public w ill be asked to com m ent on the p ro p o sals at a series o f public h earin g s, w hich b e g a n th is w e ek . T h e o p en houses w ill take place W ed n es­ day, Feb. 15 at the P o rtlan d B u ild in g , Room C, lo cated at 1120 S.W . Fifth Ave., from 4:30- 6:30 p.m .; and T h u rsd ay , Feb. 16. at the C lackam as T ow n C en ­ ter in the C om m unity Room , low er level, located at 12000 S.E. 82nd A ve., from 4:3 0 -6 :3 0 p.m. For more information about the future route and service changes, visit online or call 503-238-RIDE, option #5. Black History at Irvington Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINACOLUMN Part 23. Chiropractic And Knees: Knees neet to know how Chiropractic helps too. Q tion of a steering com m ittee, share stories, trades and skills, and con­ nect youth with senior citizens. The conferences will be held on Thursday, Feb. 15; Saturday, Feb, 18; and W ednesday, Feb. 22, from 3-4:30 p.m ., and 6:30-8 p.m. each day. For further information or ques­ tions, call 503-284-0617. TM An ongoing scries of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession : My right knee hurts ter­ ribly all of the time. It has been swollen several times to point of needing to be drained. Can Chiropractic help? A : Your case sounds famil- Aiar. It reminds me of one case in particular. A man once came to my office for consultation. He wanted to show me his knee but his slacks were so tight from swell­ ing in his knee that he could not pull his pant leg up to show me. I talked to him about his knee and The com m unity is invited to celebrate Black History m onth by participating in the Black Museum Conference, which will be held three tim es throughout February at the Irvington Village, located at 420 N.E. M ason St. and M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The goal o f the conference is to establish a structure and founda- showed him graphs of the nervous healthier than it had been in years. system and how it affects the knee. His headaches disappeared. In the He decided to become a Chiroprac­ short, he got that healthy happy tic patient and has had no problem feeling of Chiropractic. If you have with his knee since. Within days the knee pain or if you have any ques­ swelling was out of his knee. Like so tion concerning your health at all, many patients, he had an added call us today, Isn’t it time you bonus. His back was stronger and stepped up to Chiropractic? Flowers' Chiropractic Office Hiring fair and information night Waste Management is proposing to bring 45 greentech jobs to North Portland. Come learn about this exciting new technology. ■ Applications will be accepted for supervisor and equipment operator positions ■ High school diploma or GED required; associate degree in electrical or mechanical engineering preferred for some positions ■ Job descriptions at ■ Questions? Go to T H IN K G R E E N : 2124 N .E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 P hone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 Advertise with diversity in Portland I Observer Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandobserver.coin