Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 25, 2012, Page 6, Image 6

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    January 25, 2012
Page 6
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC
Zchon R. Jones, DC
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c o n t i n u e d f r o m front
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/ M I N I S T R I E S
Come and Experience Faith and Miracles!
P a s to rs ,
demonstration, downtown. “But I find
it com pletely unfair that a person is
going to be arrested for som ething
that is neither im m oral nor threaten­
W hitten said police are hired by
the legal system , but the public is
still equal w hen it com es to m oral
“I am w illing to use any conduit
to help people realize th eir p o ten ­
tial,” he said.
A lthough W hitten has no p rev i­
ous experience in politics o r g o v ­
ernm ent, he said he has been a co n ­
cern ed citizen his entire life.
G row ing up in V irginia, W hitten
experienced first-hand w hat a life o f
hardship feels like w hile living w ith
an abusive father, and a m other he
d e sc rib e d as an “in secu re, m is ­
guided w om an.”
“It w as m y upbringing, and the
fact that I suffered so m uch as a kid,
that I know w hat it feels like to feel
ang u ish ,” he said. “ A nd I never
w ant to w ish that upon an y b o d y .”
In 2009, after graduating from
high school, he m oved to the P ort­
land area, w here he said he instantly
felt at hom e.
“C ulturally, Portland is probably
stronger than any other area in the
co u n try ,” he said, explaining his
vegan lifestyle, love for biking and
yoga. “ N o one in the city can be a
cultural m ajority.”
H e said, how ever, disparities are
still extrem ely present throughout
Portland, w here there is a disconnec­
tion betw een residents and the insti­
tutions, which people rely on too
often to m ake necessary changes
instead o f collaborating together and
dem anding answers.
“Politicians have been avoiding a
convention,” he said.
W hitten said he w ants the city to
be doing m ore in term s o f econom ic
and social equality. He recognizes
that intertw ined w ithin O regon and
Portland’s history lays econom ic and
racial oppression, which is still appar­
ent in its rural areas and highly segre-
gated neighborhoods.
“A lthough the city flaunts its lib­
eral, progressive politics,” he said, “it
is lagging behind in em ploym ent and
education in com parison to the rest
o f the country. It’s time for Portland
to experience a reaw akening.”
A lthough running for m ayor is
one more way to have his voice be
heard, W hitten said joining the cam ­
paign was not initially on his plan o f
C ity H a ll w a s u n d e r a
lo c k d o w n by M a y o r S am A d a m s,
w h e n W h itte n , a lo n g w ith 4 0
o th e r in d iv id u a ls , ra llie d o u ts id e
th e b u ild in g .
“ M y first in te n tio n w as g o in g
into C ity H all and co m p lain in g and
re fu sin g to leav e u n til I w as lis ­
te n ed to, b u t it w as lo c k ed d o w n ,”
he said. “ I m et so m eb o d y o u tsid e
w ho said th e y w ere ru n n in g fo r
m a y o r, an d b e in g s p o n ta n e o u s
like I am , I w en t to th e se c u rity
o ffic e rs an d a sk e d th e m fo r the
p a p e r w o rk , an d th e n th ey a c tu ­
ally let m e in s id e .”
A lth o u g h W h itte n b e ca m e the
o n ly o n e to tru ly e n te r h is n am e
in to th e ra c e , o n ce he re tu rn e d
o u tsid e fro m C ity H all, he said he
a tte m p te d to in sp ire e v e ry o n e to
run fo r o ffice.
“I have gotten really serious about
what my commitment to the city looks
like, and how I can support these
activists and retain the positive m es­
sage that they have about returning
equality to society,” he said.
He rejects com m ents from others
who say he is too young, that he
doesn’t know what he is doing, and
that he isn’t going to get anyw here
within the elections.
“M e running is my statem ent o f
not taking no for an answ er,” he said.
“I believe anytim e a person resists
against oppression it is a success.”
“T he second w e start subm it­
ting— T hat is w hen we fail to e x e r­
cise o ur freedom s,” he said.
For m ore inform ation, to contact
or to help w ith the cam paign, visit
C a m e ro n W h itte n ’s w e b site at
cam eronw hittenforunity.com .
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