Fortiani» (Obstruer Page 2 Northeast School Boundaries Changed THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, P.C. Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: (503) 244-2080 (503) 244-2081 (503) 244-2084 Sweeney @ Advertise with diversity in Thc Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 ads@ portlandobsei Take the W aaMHHRaBMMBaMaMEMRHaMEMERMHEBMEE^NfiaNNiiiW GPS Tracking Unlawful The Supreme Court ruled Monday that police can ’ t put a GPS device on a suspect's car to track his move­ ments without a warrant, a test case that upholds basic privacy rights in the face of new surveillance tech­ nology. 5:30 - 7:15 p m Tabe fu ti walk in Northeast Health Center 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. 2nd Floor X ing changes include: A boundary change from the w estern edge o f the Alam eda/ B eaum ont a tten d an ce area to Irvington and Sabin K-8 schools. .(This is intended to ease crow d­ ing at Alameda Elementary School and to stabilize enrollm ent at Irvington and Sabin.) Converting Rigler K-8 School to a K-5 school, with middle-grade stu­ dents assigned to Beaumont Middle School. (This is intended to ease overcrowding at Rigler and provide Beaumont with a second feeder Follow ing m onths o f public discussion regarding enrollm ent balancing, the Portland School Board voted unanim ously M on­ day to shift enrollm ent at north­ east Portland schools and to end special transfers for Sabin and Skyline K-8 school families. The approved changes take ef­ fect in September and respond to overcrowding and under-enroll­ ment of schools - at times - just blocks away. School district officials said the key points of the enrollment balanc- Every Tuesday ? Januaiy 25, 2012 Bring or mention this ad to get a FREE A ANONYMOUS or CONFIDENTIAL test for HIV! Public Health Week in The Review school, providing greater enrollment stability to both schools.) Keeping Sabin a K-8 school and providing Vernon with support for its middle-grade program. (Vernon now hosts Rigler seventh- and eighth-graders. Starting this fall, R ig ler’s m iddle-grade students would attend Beaumont. Current seventh-graders at Vernon would have the right to remain there.) The school board also unani­ m ously approved ending m iddle school guarantees to students at Skyline and Sabin K-8 schools. age to her brain left the extent of her recovery in question. Romney Taxes In an effort to rem ove attention from his wealth, which has be­ come a central focus during the Grant High Hazing After allegations of hazing among Republican presidential nom inat­ Grant High School male athletes, ing cam paign, Mitt Rom ney on the M ultnom ah County Youth T uesday released hundreds o f Services Division began an in­ pages o f tax docum ents, which vestigation last week in coopera­ offered details for last year’s tax tion with faculty and staff to en­ filing, show ing that he earned sure students will be em otionally more than $42.6 m illion over that and physically safe. Police say period and paid more than $3 m il­ there is no reason to believe any lion dollars in taxes. children are at risk. No arrests PDX Travelers Rise have been made. According to a recent Port o f Port­ land report, 13 7 m illion passen­ Rep. Giffords Resigns Rep. G abrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., gers traveled through the Port­ a n n o u n c e d S u n d a y th a t she land International Airport in 2011, would resign from Congress as a 3.7 increase from 2010, which is she continues to recover from the attributed to the PDX air service gunshot wounds she suffered in a option expansion for travelers, in­ shooting ram page on Jan. 8,2011 cluding two daily nonstop flights to Las Vegas. during a constitu­ ent m eeting. She Hit and Run Arrest nearly died from the One week after a Ford M ustang gunshot v^ound to recklessly crashed into Franklin her head, and the High School in a hit and run inci­ severity of the dam- dent, police arrested the 36-year- old Joseph Schm eer who was taken into custody at his residence on Friday, Jan. 20. Water Supply Shift I love you I love you I love you I love you After heavy rains and stream flows over the weekend, the unfiltered Bull Run water supply experienced an increase in turbidity, which cata­ lyzed the Portland W ater Bureau to shift Portland’s water source to the Colombia South Shore well field, which is 100 percent groundwater, to ensure residents access to clean and quality water. L egal N otices WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATES Lie We a r e WOMEN S HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATES. w w w .w Need to publish a cou rt document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e- mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mail: RECOMMENDED BY BABIES ALL OVER THE PORTLAND METRO AREA. The Portland Observer t i t I I