^Jorilanb Ohbsewer lanuary 25. 2012 Page II Taxes on the Rich and Everyone Else Fairness lost with loopholes by J udge G reg M athis Even though Republi­ can Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is hesitant to release his tax returns, he is on record saying that he is probably at a 15-percent tax rate. This means that Romney, who has a net worth of over $200 million, has a lower tax rate than m ost m iddle-class A m erican workers. By comparison, Presi­ dent Obama had a 26-percent tax rate in 2010; the income that was taxed included his book roy­ alties, which undoubtedly totaled more than one million dollars. Romney's wealth and his comparably low tax rate highlight a very im­ portant issue: income in­ equality. In the U.S., income inequal­ ity, that is the gap between the rich and everyone else, has grown steadily for decades. With the recession and subsequent job losses moving more and more people from the middle class into poverty, the discussions over wealth and taxes have taken on an entirely different -sometimes- hostile - tone. It is unconscionable to think that CEOs of major companies can earn tens of millions of dol­ lars each year, while their em­ ployees, who work long hours to generate the profit that would net such a large salary, earn much less and probably pay a higher tax rate. W arren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world, shock­ ingly revealed that his own sec­ retary pays a higher tax rate than he does. Like most of us, Buffet doesn't see how this could possibly be fair. Romney is so rich that he doesn't actually work. Instead, he lives off the interest off his investments. These investments are taxed at a much lower rate than the standard 35-percent that is nor­ mally levied onto the salaries of wealthy Americans. Romney is using a special provision to en­ sure less of his money goes into government coffers; a practice that many think is unfair. Changes have to be made in our nation's tax code so that everyone is paying taxes com ­ parable to their income. No one is asking for a socialist system where everyone makes the same. However, it is only fair that the tax burden on lower and middle-income workers is eased a bit and loopholes for the super-rich be eliminated. Judge Greg M athis is a longtime advocate fo r equal justice. His life story o f a street youth who rose from jail to judge has provided hope to millions. t Red Tails Movie Shoots Down Stereotypes The power to overcome any barrier by M arc H. M orial I a tte n d e d the New York premiere of a new G eo rg e L u cas film about the he­ roic exploits of the all-b lack fighter pilot squadron that helped America defeat the N azi’s in World W ar II. I a m not in the business of promoting new mov­ ies, but there are several rea­ sons that compel me to highlight the release o f “Red Tails,” the story of the pioneering Tuskegee Airmen. First, the movie has a virtually all-black cast with black male heroes, a rare depiction by Hol­ lywood. Cuba G ooding Jr., Terrence Howard, Nate Parker, David Oyelowo, and NE-YO all play key roles. Lucas has said that the black theme and black cast were ma­ jo r reasons Hollywood repeat­ edly declined to back the film. He struggled 23-years to get major studio financing. “I showed it to all of them,” he said, “and they said no, we don’t know how to market a movie like this.” He wound up pouring $58 million of his own money into the project. The second reason I am ex­ cited about this film is that recent comments by political candidates denigrating the African Ameri­ can community and reviving out-. lowed a few days later by a comment from Newt Gingrich that “African Americans should demand pay checks not food stamps.” Gingrich has called Barack Obama “The best food U nited States m ilitary. They were trained at Tuskegee In­ stitute, now Tuskegee U niver­ sity in A labam a. D espite dis­ crim ination during W orld W ar II, these brilliant airmen fought ■ —-------------------------------------------------- We hope what youngsters get out o f the story is that under some dire circumstances we prevailed. We performed successfully and we opened doors that they don 7 have to fight to. --Col. Charles McGee, “ RedTails" technical consultant and surviving member of theTuskegee Airmen. Lucas teamed with black co­ executive producer, C harles Floyd Johnson, and black direc­ tor Anthony Hemingway to cre­ ate a film they all hope will in­ spire a new generation o f A fri­ can-American youth. The message of the movie, and the lesson of the Tuskegee Airmen, is clear: We have the power to overcome any barrier to serve our nation and achieve our dreams. One movie won’t solve the problem, but we think it’s an important step in the right direc­ tion. Marc H. Morial is president dated stereotypes, make it more stamp president in American his­ fascism abroad and returned and chief executive officer o f important than ever to spotlight tory.” to fight racism back home. the National Urban League. the historic contributions and public service of black Ameri­ cans. In just the last few weeks, two presidential candidates, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, have perpetuated false and de­ structive racial stereotypes in desperate attempts to score po­ litical points. In a discussion of social assis­ tance programs, Santorum said he doesn’t want to “make black people’s lives better by giving them someone else’s money.” Santorum ’s appalling comment implied that people of color are a drain on resources mainly pro­ vided by whites, even though about 70 percent of food stamp recipients are white. Santorum’s statement was fol­ We are outraged by the com ­ ments of both candidates and denounced them in separate statem ents. The fact is, social safety net program s serve fam ilies in dire circum stances from all walks o f life. M any of those who now find them selves in need, w hatever their ethnic back­ ground, are the very people who have paid into these pro­ gram s and made sacrifices to support their fam ilies and our nation throughout their w ork­ ing lives. Which brings me back to the Tuskegee Airmen. In the 1940s, before our arm ed forces were integrated, the T uskegee Airmen became the first black aviators in the Health ^ - S B C C A Advertise with diversity in Portland ( Observer Call 503-288-0033 adsCS'poitlandoblerver.com