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D aniels So, it’s clear now what really drives the crowd — or is “mob” a better word? -- who show up at Re­ publican Party debates, right? It’s the thrill of having your basest instincts appealed to. It’s being able to be among those who look like you and feel as you do as you give full-throated ap­ proval to what are politely, and incorrectly, called “racially- charged” remarks. It’s being able to publicly vent your prejudices as you boo an American soldier on the frontlines protecting Am erica’s security because he won’t stay in the ghetto you’ve constructed for people like him. It’s being able to stomp and by whistle your support for the death penalty, despite the fact that nearly 300 people sentenced to prison for serious crimes, including 17 who were sentenced to die, in the last four decades have been proven innocent by DNA testing. Most of all, it’s being able, w hile claim ing to adhere to homespun “traditional values,” to shed the pose of so-called compassionate conservatism, or even rational conservatism, and unabashedly wallow in the real right stuff: callous conservatism. It’s never been more clear, has it? What drives the base instincts of the GOP base which has shown up at these debates is fear and cow ardice. T h ey ’re bully-boys and girls because, at bottom, they’re afraid, especially in this period of great economic difficulty, to compete fairly for the resources and status of American society. JJortlanb OOhserMtr Established 1970 So, to protect their delusional sense of identity, they construct straw-men, women, and children they bend and twist to fit their fevered, fearful imaginations. David H orsey’s brilliant car­ toon from the Los Angeles Times (pictured above) makes the point exactly. Those attending the Jan. 16 debate who supported Newt Gingrich’s channeling Alabama Gov. George C. W allace at his oiliest want their racial anxieties to be stoked so nakedly in order to relive the days of old, when white supremacists didn’t have to conceal the fact that they were white supremacists. “Dave,” a reader responding to David Brooks Monday col­ umn on the South Carolina pri­ mary in the New York Times succinctly characterized this revanchist politics: “When a person asserts that they ‘want their country back’ I always want to know which tribe they’re from. But I realize I’m just being sarcastic because these people are inevitably Caucasian, and generations removed from being in any tribe.” “When someone asserts that they want to return to a time when we had better values, I know, again, that they’re Cau­ casian, and that they’re refer­ ring to a time when there was no chance that there would be a president with dark skin, or a supreme court justice who was a woman, or even worse, a wise Latina woman.” These Republican Party de­ bates bring to mind something my mother used to say quite often: You can fool some of the people all of the time, especially when it’s a matter of people fooling themselves. Lee A. Daniels is Director o f Communications fo r the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., and Editor-in-Chief o f The Defenders Online. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. 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