Page 6 January 18, 2012 EL Alienated by Anti-immigration Tone Latino voting bloc could decide who wins key states ( AP) — The Republican Party is beefing up its minority outreach nationwide and preparing to put its rising Latino stars on the campaign trail amid concerns that tough immi­ gration rhetoric in the presidential primary is taking on an increasingly anti-Hispanic tone. But immigrant-rights groups and some political watchers say the dam­ age may be irreversible. They argue that the GOP has severely hampered itself as it looks to woo the critical Latino voting bloc that could de­ cide who wins key states like New M exico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida next fall. Mitt Romney "is done," said DeeDee Blase, founder of Somos Republicans in Arizona. "He'll be lucky to get eight percent of the Hispanic vote" after saying he would veto legislation that would create a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants and accepting the en­ dorsement of anti-immigration ac­ tivist Kris Kobach, architect of two of the strongest immigration crack­ down laws in the country. The GOP front-runner, Romney has referred to the legislation — called the DREAM Act— as ¿hand­ out. The measure would allow some young illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to earn legal MMMMMi VE SUPPORT OUR F RIENOS/ t A group of Latino voters show their support for the DREAM Act during a rally last September in Rhode Island. (AP photo) status if they went to college or joined the military. Challengers, in­ cluding Texas Gov. Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Ron Paul, have also taken tough anti-immigration stances in the cam­ paign. Language from them has been so sharp that even New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, a Republican, has warned the candidates to watch their tongues. "What we have to do is this: We have to tone down the rhetoric, and we have to have a sincere, honest conversation with the voters," Martinez said Wednesday, shortly Mitt Romney's immigration rhetoric could hurt Republi­ cans among Latino voters after the Republican National Com­ mittee announced that it had hired a director of Hispanic outreach and was expanding its Latino-focused efforts. She's among the popular Hispanic politicians Republicans will deploy to battleground states in the coming months. There's a reason for the urgent tone coming from Republican lead­ ers on this matter. The government projects His­ panics will account for roughly 30 percent of the population by 2050, doubling in size and boosting their political power. Overall, Hispanics traditionally tilt Democrat, meaning the Republican Party is looking at a threat to their future power if they don't work to make inroads with this politically pivotal group now. Democrats have strengthened their standing with Hispanics in the most recent presidential election years. While much was made during the Democratic primary of 2008 of President Barack Obama's perceived weakness among Hispanics, he won 67 percent of their vote in the gen­ eral election to 31 percent for Re­ publican John McCain. It was a huge jum p from 2004 when Democratic nominee John Kerry won Hispanics by 53 percent to 44 percent for Bush, a Texan who focused heavily on Hispanics. Some worry that this year's even­ tual GOP nominee won't fare much better than McCain four years ago — and may fare worse — if candi­ dates don't soften the way they talk about immigration. IflMMMHMMHi Facing the Consequences Play touches on Mayan calendar prophecies Swept up in an immigration raid and deported to Mexico, Rio, Luz and Sal are suddenly immersed into indigenous prophecies surround­ ing B ’aktun 13, the final era in the Mayan calendar. In the Yucatán, they encounter M ayan deities Ixchel, goddess of w ater and moon, and Ahpuch, god o f death, who lead the trio deeper into a mythological universe. Time revolves like a M ayan calendar as each must face the consequences o f their pasts. W hen the end of the era of B ’aktun 13 arrives on photo by R ussell Y oung Dec. 21, 2012, will the world Tricia Castaneda-Gonzales (from left), Daniel Moreno and Ajai Terrazas-Tripathi in the world premiere change? Or will they? bilingual production of “B ’aktun 13, ” now playing at the Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. B ’aktun 13 is one of the new w orks o f the Portland Fertile Ground Festival. W ritten by Danel Maldn and directed by M atthew B. Zrebski, the production plays Thursday at 7:30 p.m .; Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; and Saturday, Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. at M ilagro T he­ atre, 525 S.E. Stark St. A dm ission is $ 14 to $24. T ick­ e ts c a n be p u rc h a s e d fro m m ilag ro .o rg or by callin g 503- 236-7253. The m atinee on Saturday will be accom panied by a free re ­ source fair featu rin g an open m ic read ers theatre (from 1 to 2 p.m .). Plus, a special selection o f b o o k s fo r p u rc h a se from P o w ell’s related to com m unity and en v iro n m en tal resp o n sib il­ ity , im m ig ra tio n is s u e s and M ayan cu ltu re w ill be available.