January 18. 2012 Page 5 Underground Parking Benefits Seen Input guides Cascade Campus expansion The future vision of Portland C om m unity C ollege’s C ascade Cam pus in north Portland is com ­ ing into focus. Thanks to input from college and community mem­ bers via stakeholder m eetings and public outreach, decisions have been made for the future develop­ ment of academ ic buildings and underground parking facilities. A new education building will be located on a PCC surface park­ ing lot between North Albina and M ississippi avenues at the west end o f the cam pus. In addition, a new student center, incorporat­ ing expanded student activities and food services, will be built to the south of this building. The Cascade library will rem ain at its cu rren t locatio n facing N orth K illingsw orth Street. These projects are part of the 2008 voter-approved property tax bond measure. Approximately $60 m illion of the $374 m illion bond will support the im provem ents. C a sc a d e b o n d an d d e sig n team s plan to begin schem atic design this month. Final design, city review and perm itting, and d e v e lo p m e n t o f c o n s tru c tio n docum ents will all take place dur­ ing the year, with construction slated to begin around this time next year. THA A rchitecture is providing planning and design services for the campus. "The way PCC reached out to the com m unity for input far ex­ ceeded my expectations," said Kerrie Melda, a 17-year Com m er­ cial Street resident and a consult­ ant w ith Hum an Services R e­ search Institute. "They brought in business owners, residents, and different parts of the PCC com m u­ nity to have this plan go forward. It was so inclusive." Before any new buildings could be built, the college needed to take the time to plan and involve m any internal and external stake­ holders as well as complete a cam ­ pus plan. For more than a year faculty, staff, students and m em ­ bers of the extended neighbor­ hood com m unity have p artici­ pated in two planning committees, which worked on parallel issues that have helped guide the deci­ sion to locate these future facili­ ties. "I’d like to thank the many continued on page 7 Expansion plans for Portland Community College's Cascade Campus in north Portland would keep the greenway it fashioned a few years ago, but replace two surface parking lots on each side o f the space with new buildings and underground parking. Stay on top of your savings S.T.A.R.T. is the automatic savings plan that lets you save at your own pace. Whether you want to go slow or fast, you decide how you want to save and how much. Reach S1,000 in savings and you'll earn a $50 U.S. Bank Rewards Visa 1 Card. Keep the savings balance for a year, and earn another $50. With online tools to track your progress. S.T.A.R.T. makes it easy for everyone to save. LU branch O usbank.com/START A ll o f (¡£3 se rvin g you* [r^bank Ci 800.720.2265 □ m.usbank.com Enrollment is required. A qualifying transfer from your Package Checking account to your Package Money Market Savings account must be scheduled and maintained You must open and/or maintain an active U.S. Bank Package, including a Silver, Gold or Platinum Checking account ANO a Money M arket Savings account. A minimum deposit of $ 5 0 is required to open a Checking account and a minimum of $ 2 5 Is required to open a Money Market Savings account. All regular account opening procedures apply. Certain conditions apply to U.S. Bank Packages. Credit products are subject to normal credit qualifications and approvals. Other conditions and restrictions may apply Program is subject to change. See the S .TA R .T. Program Agreement for detailed information. The U.S. Bank Rewards Visa Card cannot be reloaded with additional funds, nor can it be used at an ATM Terms and conditions apply and fees may apply to Rewards Cards. For complete terms and conditions see the U.S. Bank Rewards Visa Card Agreement available at www.myusbankcorporaterewards com. Deposit products offered by U.S Bank. N A 0 2 0 1 2 U.S Bancorp. All rights reserved. Member FDtC. .com/usbank