Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 18, 2012, Page 11, Image 11

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    ______ 3'l'r ^Jortlanb COhscruer
January 18. 2012
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Page II
East County
North Portland
Courage Has No Color
B f?
Leslie Odom, Jr., Nate Parker, Kevin Phillips and David Oyelowo portray pilots from the famed Tuskegee Airmen in the epic film Red
Tails, opening with a special preview on Thursday at Pioneer Place and nationwide on Friday.
Lucas film on Tuskegee airmen soars on big screen
T he thrilling true story o f the T uskegee
A irm en buzzes to the big screen in P ortland
and across the nation this w eek in an epic
w ar adventure from execu tiv e p roducer
G eorge L ucas and first-tim e feature d irec ­
tor A nthony H em ingw ay.
A special p review o f the m ovie is p re­
sented by the PD X A frican A m erican Film
F estival on T h u rsd ay , Jan. 19 at 7 p.m . at
the P io n eer P lace S tad iu m 6, lo cated at 340
S. W . M orrison. T he film o p en s natio n w id e
the next day on Friday, Jan. 20.
R ed T ails is a salute to black pilots w ho
m ade history fo r th eir h o n o r and valor. In
the fire and ch ao s o f W orld W ar II, the U.S.
m ilitary recruited a fearless group o f A fri­
can -A m erican fig h ter pilots to help reclaim
the skies o v er E urope.
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m h
D iscrim inated against both as citizen s
and as soldiers, the T u sk eg ee A irm en took
flight in planes d istin g u ish ed by d istin ctiv e
red tails, and fight to d efeat the ty ran n y o f
the A xis pow ers. A s a result o f th eir b rav ­
ery, the pilots em erg ed as true heroes, and
prove that all m en are truly created equal.
T erren ce H ow ard, C u b a G o o d in g Jr.,
and B ryan C ranston star.
Billboards Feature Unsolved Homicides
The Portland Police Bureau has unveiled a
series of billboards featuring the photos of
victims of unsolved Portland homicides.
The bureau’s Cold Case Homicide Unit and
Clear Channel Communications recently an­
nounced the placem ent of 25 billboards
throughout the city. Each billboard features
four cold homicide cases for a total of 100 cases
Clear Channel donated the $ 18,000 worth of
advertising space.
The Cold Case Unit is comprised of a ser­
geant and four detectives who are assisted by
several retired investigators who volunteer
their time and are now working under a federal
grant sponsored by the U.S. Department of
Justice and the National Institute for Justice.
"We don’t give up. We never give up," is the
Cold Case Unit’s slogan.
There are nearly 300 unsolved murders in
Portland dating back to 1969.
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AHÍ H a n
$ 1 ,0 0 0 REWARD
A billboard near
Northeast Martin
Luther King Jr. and
Columbia Boule­
vard features
photos of four
victims of un­
solved Portland
homicides. Clear
Channel Outdoor
donated the
advertising space.
photo by M ark
W ashington /
T he P ortland
O bserver