January 18, 2012 Page 10 Proven Educators Not Called Upon CflMIW JlO JlM « sî ir s«vi «ozrn uocujïï eat well, be active, enjoy life. tuiitker YOCREAM U FROZEN YOGURT'" facabook Plan Your Party Here! O n dm W o r n « 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, OR 97211 www.candykorner.com • Store Phone: 503.281.7000 w w w .T h e C a n c e rY o u C a n P re v e n t.o rg Sen Bob Boyer Pr jrt 'ja n Health 5ÎTSBCÇA ----- 'HDENCE Cancer Center Parent's Corner * Parents keep a close eye on the O regon L egislature and G ov. Joh n K itzhaber. T here will be m uch discussion about closing C arefu lly ex am in e the edu- cational groups in Portland and com m ittees form ed by the gov- e m o r that p ro p o se to m ake readiness. G iven O reg o n 's d e ­ p lo rab le aca d em ic o u tco m es, serious discussion and im m ed i­ ate action is long overdue. T he N ational A ssessm ent o f E ducational P rogress m easures the academ ic p reparedness o f A m erican students. Its 2009 re ­ port found only 10 percent o f black fourth graders read at "pro­ ficient level o r higher." T he p re­ paredness rate w as only 11 p e r­ cent o f L atino students, and 33 percent o f w hite students. T hese alarm ing statistics and the life-long suffering acco m p a­ nying them cry out fo r assem ­ bling the best talent to d ev elo p plans to correct this horror. The national assessm ent d e­ scribes educators with best tal­ ents as individuals with a track record o f consistently getting low- incom e children to at least per­ form at or above grade level. Not so in Oregon. incom e child ren 's academ ic p e r­ fo rm a n c e . If y o u a sk e d o n e sim ple question, "W ho am ong you has a history o f g etting low incom e ch ild ren to read at or above grade level? Please stand up!" N early all, if not all o f the v a rio u s c o m m itte e m em b ers, w ould rem ain seated. W hen the Los A ngeles Lakers had Shaq and Kobe, but no NBA cham pionships, they brought in Phil Jackson to coach. W hy? B ecause he had cham pionship rings with the Chicago Bulls. W hen A pple ran into problem s several years ago, they brought back Steve Jobs. W ith Phil Jackson coaching the Lakers, the team won several N BA cham pionships. W ith the return o f Steve Jobs, A pple's per­ form ance becam e legendary. T he various ed u catio n al p lan ­ ning com m ittees d ev elo p ed by the g o v ern o r are not co m p o sed o f the Phil Jack so n s and Steve ' ' ” ' "'il ‘C- , ' in R<>\ Hi • ■. Ifc V 1 ^ r \ i » o \ Jo b s o f the aca­ dem ic w orld. T he o v e rw h e lm in g m ajority o f com - are not O regon teach ers o r p rin ­ cipals w ith a w inning reco rd o f getting 90 percent o f low -incom e ch ild ren p erform ing at o r above grade level. C o m p o sin g an e d u c a tio n a l panel w ith a m akeup o f m em ­ bers holding less than a proven reco rd o f success is a disserv ice to tax p ay ers and m akes a sham o f p ro fessed intentions reg a rd ­ ing a ch iev em en t gap and school read in ess. L astly, follow the m oney. If the govern o r's ill-advised p ro ­ posal beco m es law , keep tabs on how m any “30 pieces o f silv er” and w ell-connected com m ittee m em b ers are re w a rd e d fro m state coffers. Ron Herndon is a longtime advocate fo r education op­ portunities for African-Ameri­ can children. He has served as director o f Head Start in Portland since 1975. lherta • Missisyppi • North Portland if 2 . . t-. i* server Community Media Kit Serving the Portland Metropolitan Area . a . Jh 'karris ***face ^ > r ear pcac< [n8 Hero Commited to Cultural Diversity 4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. ads@portlandobserver.com Web: www.portlandobserver.com Phone: 503.288.0033 Fax: 503 288-0015 e City o f Roses