% 2012 L January II, 2012 M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . Page 7 special edition Named in Honor of Martin Luther King Streets across America pay tribute Throughout the country, nearly every city, both large and small, contain at least one street dedi­ cated to the memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the nation’s most respected and powerful civil rights leaders. Although the legacy of Dr. King, who was tragically killed at39-years-oldon April 4,1968, is remembered through a variety of venues across America, ac­ cording to Derek Alderman, an East Carolina University geog­ rapher, in 2010 there were at least 893 Martin Luther King Jr. streets in the United States, and the number keeps on growing. Although most named after numbers, landscapes, trees or the commerce or industry his­ torically present within the area, street names in honor of a sur­ name of an important individual has taken on a popular trend. While seemingly an easy and quick way to recognize an indi­ vidual, the effect of the naming can be quite powerful, often af­ fecting the way residents iden­ tify with the surrounding area. In Portland, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, which was originally named Union Avenue, runs through the Northeast part of the city and is home to the city’s notable statue of Dr. King, which sits in front of the Oregon Convention Center. Martin Luther King Jr. Boule­ vard is also where The Portland O bserver offices are located within the city. Below, we have compiled de­ scriptions of several other streets, roads and boulevards, which have been named after MLK throughout the country: Baltimore, Md. In B altim o re, w hich has m ore than 63.5 p ercen t A fri­ can A m erican resid en ts, M ar­ tin L u th er King Jr. B o u le­ vard b eg in s at an ex it on In ­ te rstate 395 and co n tin u es to C h a se S tre e t at P ark A v ­ enue. O rig in ally nam ed H ar­ bor C ity B oulevard, the street was renam ed in honor of King sh o rtly after it o pened. Jackson, Miss. W h itfield M ills S treet, lo ­ cated in a p red o m in an tly A f­ r ic a n -A m e ric a n n e ig h b o r ­ hood, w as ch an g ed to M artin L u th e r K ing S tre e t in the 1980s, and in te rse c ts w ith M edgar E vers B oulevard at a Ja ck so n lan d m ark called F reed o m C o rn er, w hich is Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Port­ land (right) pays tribute to the civil rights leader. h o st to one o f th e largest M artin L uther King Jr. Day parades w ithin the country. San Francisco Throughout the Bay area, San Francisco’s Martin Luther King Drive is one of two roads that spans virtually the entire length of the famous Golden Gate Park , along with John F. Kennedy Drive. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Atlanta, Dr. King's hometown, is a landmark for tourists visiting the city. The street not only in­ c lu d e s his alm a m a ter Morehouse College, but it also runs by the Atlanta University Center. A G R E E N B R IE R C O M P A N Y Savannah, Ga. On Martin Luther King Jr. B oulevard in Savannah, the street is home to the regionally known Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum. New York City Atlanta, Ga. GUNDERSON In New York City, the entire 125th Street, which runs through the historically famous Harlem, is designated Doctor Martin L. King Jr. Boulevard. The street also hosts the Apollo Theater, which is a famous center for African-American music. ? Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. -- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I We’re a place to explore potential and expand your capabilities. We aren’t looking for workers, we’re looking for teammates. We need people who can contribute, grow, think, dream and create. We’re a place where imagination is encouraged and rewarded. If you’re interested in joining our team, please apply in person at 4350 NW Front Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97210. Equal Opportunity Employer