M lì Page 46 W a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . January II. 2012 2012 s p e c ia l ed itio n 1116 Portland Observer Thank You to all the supporters of our Martin Luther King Jr. special Edmon The Portland Observer would like to say thank you for your support and keeping the dream alive Spirit Mountain . Com m erce Gregory Oliveros, A ttorney N orth/N ortheast Health Center Avalon Flowers Portland Trail Blazers G underson Inc. Dwell Realty Advantis Credit Union Bank o f Am erica New Seasons M arket Oregon Episcopal School Care Oregon Patrick Sweeney, A ttorney at Law Northw est C arpenter’s U S Forest Service Warner Pacific College Martin Cleaning Service Alberta Street M arket Chase & Weil, LLC Tropicana Legacy Health System s Terry’s Funeral Hom e Show Dog G room ing W orld’s Art Foundation LifeW orks N orthw est Portland Developm ent Com m ission City of Portland Portland Water Bureau DeLa Salle North U nited Way Neil Kelly Safeway Volunteers o f A m erica M artin Cleaning Service Energy Trust B rook’s Staffing M elanie Block L.D., D enturist Candy K om er Portland State U niversity Albina Ministerial Alliance Portland Com m unity College •1". M arcelitte Failla Chiropractic Music Millennium Providence H ealthcare Vancouver Baptist Church Project Clean Slate W om en’s H ealthcare Association C annon’s Rib Express Peninsula Little League Tri-Met Port o f Portland M ultnom ah County Hom e Forward Senator Ron W yden M ichael Harper My F ather’s House M inistries F low er’s C hiropractic Office N orthw est Voice o f Christ Portland Public School M id-K Beauty Supply African Am erican C ham ber o f Zchon R. Jones, Chiropractic Oregon State University 71,6P ortland Observer is Oregon's oldest minority publication and continues to make new strides in reaching out to our diverse community with breaking news and in-depth investigative reporting. Contact us for subscription and advertising information at 503-288-0033 or email ads@portlandobserver.com