January II, 2012 t| ----------------------------------------------- w M artin L uther K ing J r . page 45 2012 s p e c ia l ed ilio n ----------------------------------------------- MLK JR. TIMELINE continued from page 27 1968 CHANGE YOUR LIFE. • King announces that the Poor People's Campaign will culminate in a March on Washington demanding a $12 billion Economic Pill o f Rights guaranteeing employment to the able-bodied, incomes to those unable to work,, and an end to housing discrimination. CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION. ✓ Suspended or No Driver’s License? ✓ Delinquent Child Support? ✓ Owe Thousands in Court Fines to Multnomah County? ✓ Minor convictions stopping you from being hired for a job? • Dr. King marches in support o f sanitation workers on strike in Memphis, Penn. ✓ Mfe might be able to help you! • On March 28, King leads a march that turns violent. Phis was the first time one o f his events had turned violent. reject ClentiSUt' Project Clean Slate is an award w innin g program which allows q u a lifyin g individuals to help remove some o f the barriers to employment, housing, d rivin g and other o p p o rtu n itie s .^ have assisted O ver 8,000 people Since July 2005! • Delivers” Pve Been to the Mountaintop speech.” continued on page 47 f All men are caught in an inescapable network o f mutuality. The ultimate measure o f a man in not where stands in moments o f comfort, but where he stands at times o f challenge and controversy. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. • Currently limited to Multnomah County Only • Must attend mandatory personal and community responsibility classes ($, • Must be sincerely dedicated to changing your life course. % Approved clients w ill be to perform community service in exchange for all or part o f deliri quent traffic fines, must be able to make minimum monthly pay ments on traffic fines until case is resolved and enter into a child support repayment program ( if applicable). FOUNDER Project Clean Slate operates in tandem with Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office and in cooperation with Multnomah County Circuit Court, it is a program of Independent Development Enterprise Alliance, a nonprofit organization. Pre-apply online today! PROJECTCLEANSLATE.COM 503-244-5794 • 4300 NE Fremont Street • Suite 220 Portland OR 97211 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9am -12 Noon and 1PM to 5PM. All payments of classes can be paid by money order, cashiers check or debit or credit card only.