After the Dream: A Call to Service What are you doing for oth­ ers? That question, posed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will be the focus of activities next w eek at C lark C o lle g e in Vancouver, located at 1933 Fort Vancouver Way. On Wednesday, Jan. 18, the campus will welcome social ac­ tivist Kathleen D. Saadat, in­ terim Diversity Development and Affirmative Action Man­ ager for the Human Resources Bureau of the City of Portland. A consultant and trainer in the areas of human diversity and Kathleen D. Saadat organizational development and a motivational speaker, Saadat served as O regon’s Director of Affirmative Action from 1987- 1990. She will speak at 11 a.m. in C lark’s Gaiser Student Cen­ ter. The event is free and open to the public. On Thursday, Jan. 19, the fo­ cus will turn to service. Com m u­ nity members are invited to join college volunteers at the Clark County Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 5000 E. Fourth Plain Blvd. Helping hands are invited to meet outside the student lounge in the Penguin Union Building at 1:30 p.m. Vans will transport volunteers to and from Habitat ReStore, where they will help with sorting and organizing mer­ chandise, creating new displays, pricing and stocking donations, and other tasks. To learn more, call 360-992- 2447. “I've le a r n e d th a t p e o p le w ill f o r g e t w h a t y o u s a id , p e o p le w ill f o r g e t w h a t y o u d id , b u t p e o p le w ill n e v e r f o r g e t h o w y o u m a d e th e m fe e l." - M aya Angelou 7/ Neil Kelly Since 1947 HANDYMAN HOME REPAIR TEAM HOME PERFORMANCE DESIGN/ BUILD REMODELING CUSTOM HOMES 503.288.7461 OR CCB#001663 tL & I# NEILKCI 18702 Peninsula Little League 2012 (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14) email us at: Softball Program Level Minor Major Junior Ages 8 - 10 10- 12 1 3 -1 4 Q testions contact: Mark Washington 503-288-0033 markw@port 1 andobserver com Items to bring to sign-ups: Proof of Address Plaver Fee Regular Sign-ups $50/T-Ball, $75 AU other levels $150/Family(3 or more) THl'RSDAYS at Boys and Girls C lub Community Center 5250 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd January 26th and February 2nd 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm SATIRDAYS at Boys and Gills C lub 700 N Rosa Parks Way February 4th and February 11th 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Baseball Program Level T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior Ages 5 -6 7 -8 8 10 10- 12 1 3 -1 4 Questions contact: Anthony Jordan ajordanfS integra com TUESDAY at Applebee's 1439 NE Halsey February 21 5-8pm Registration and Fundraiser 10% of proceeds benefit League Little League Baseball, Incorporated does not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference or religious preference.