A Helping Hand on MLK Day By picking up litter, pulling invasive weeds and planting tre e s, v o lu n te e rs in the Vancouver area will honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s mes­ sage of a healthy community by turning Monday, Jan. 16, into a day of service. H elping hands are needed from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to re­ move litteralo n g th eC o lu m b ia River shores, rake leaves, clean p la y g ro u n d e q u ip m en t and handle other general m ainte­ nance. M eet in the south park­ ing lot o f V ancouver Lake R egional P ark, 8800 N.W . Low er River Rd. Volunteers are also needed from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to remove blackberry vines and mulch around pear trees in the old or­ chard on Northwest 21st Av- ... 520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250 A full service flower experience •Birthdays • Funerals »Anniversaries • Weddings Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm Saturday 9am til 2pm. Owner, Operator / ‘‘y * ■ ■ypz*.,,* » Volunteers help restore Old Vancouver Cemetary on the Martin Luther King Jr, Day of Service. Avalon Flowers Cori S tew art- 5, Website: avalonflowerspdx.com email: avalonflowers@msn.com We Offer Wire Services Today’s Little Scholars Childcare Today's Little Scholars Childcare is located near Portland Community College on Killingsworth and Albina street offering Flexible Scheduling. Are you looking for reliable and safe childcare? If so, I ’m a certified provider giving today's Little Scholars a wonderful and loving environ­ ment to enjoy being themselves. Allow me to take care o f your children the right way... Contact us today! 1-800-385-8594 DHS State Assistance Accepted 24 Hours Childcare Provider http://www.todayslittlescholarschildcare.com enue just off Northwest 119th is encouraged. Volunteers are gloves. For more information or to asked to bring wheelbarrows and Street. At Whipple Creek Park, the shovels, if possible, and dress sign-up for one of these projects, needed task is trail maintenance. appropriately for the weather, visit parkhero.org or call 360- Parking is limited, so carpooling and include sturdy shoes and 487-8344. WSU Tackles Justice Issues Washington State University Vancouver will ob­ serve Martin Luther King Jr. Day by addressing the gap between sustainability and social justice. The program will take place Monday, Jan. 16 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Firstenburg Student Commons. Long-time voice for Portland's under-represented communities and a leader in the struggle against racial and economic injustice, Jo Ann Hardesty (formerly Bowman), will deliver the keynote speech. Hardesty is co-host of "Voices from the Edge," a weekly program on KBOO radio. She previously served as a state legislator, executive director of Oregon Action and chair of Portland Community Media. Throughout the day, participants may choose to attend presentations by Brian Tissot of the School of Earth and Environmental Science at WSU Vancouver; Jon Shellenberger and Emily Washines of the Yakama Nation; and Desirde Williams-Rajee, sustainability outreach coordinator for the Portland Bureau of Plan­ ning and Sustainability. "The service aspect of this year’s event is built around the concept of gaining knowledge and putting that knowledge into action, not just on one day, but throughout the year and throughout life," said Bola Majekobaje, assistant director for student diversity. WSU Vancouver is located at 14204 N.E. Salmon Jo Ann Hardesty Creek Ave.