January II, 2012 % 2012 L M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . Page 37 s p e c ia l e o itio n Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. w w w .TheC ancerYouC anP revent.org F/rst /ady Michelle Obama interacts with the cast of the popular children's show, "iCarly," premiering Monday, Jan. 16 on Nickelodeon. First Lady Cameo on Nickelodeon I got screened for colorectal cancer. * ' Appearance on ‘iCarly’ supports military families (AP) — T een star M iranda Cosgrove says she doesn't usually get nervous about taping episodes o f h er N ic k e lo d e o n c o m ed y , "iCarly," but that changed when first lady Michelle Obama taped an appearance on the show. "I've been doing the show for a long time and I usually don't get nervous, but having the first lady on the set, I was really nervous," laughed Cosgrove, 18. N ickelodeon and the W hite House want to show support for U.S. military families with a cameo by the first lady on the show. On "iCarly," Cosgrove plays Carly Shay, the daughter of an Air Force colonel who is serving over­ seas. In an episode titled, "iMeet the First Lady," Carly gets upset when her father's return from active duty is canceled because he is deployed again. Her friends decide to surprise her with a live feed to her father during an iCarly webcast. After Mrs. Obama sees the webcast, she praises Carly for being such a supportive daughter to a father who is serving his country. Cosgrove said the goal was to "let (military) kids know how impor­ tant their parents are.” She said that despite being ner­ vous about meeting Mrs. Obama, she found her quite approachable, calling the first lady a "nice, pretty loose and have a good time," normal person" who even danced Cosgrove said, with the cast during a regular seg- The episode of "iCarly" featur- ment called "Random Dancing." ing the first lady will air Monday, "It was probably the most fun Jan. 16 on Nickelodeon at 8 p.m. thing we did. We all just got to let EST. Find out whv* I’m talking FI about i t Serf: Bob Boyer Health 5$ s»CCA ^''IDENCE Cancer Center The Sixth Annual Drum Major Scholarship Ecumenical Service Sunday January 15, 2012/ 3pm-5pm