11 Page 32 V ) M a r t in 2012 L u t h e r K in g J r . January II. 2012 special ed ition Estimated 200 Million Use Illegal Drugs dependence while also bringing spe­ cific threats of catching HIV and hepatitis by sharing needles. All three types of drugs seem to be associated with higher rates of mental disorders, road accidents and violence, although inform ation about this is often sketchy. The estimate is based on data from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, from national surveys and peer-reviewed studies into the im­ pact of drug use. Ecstasy, LSD, non-medical use of prescription drugs and anabolic steroids were not included in the estimate. About 200 million people around the world use illicit drugs, accord­ ing to a study published on Friday in The Lancet. Cannabis users comprised be­ tween 125 and 203 million; users of opioids ( heroin and morphine), am­ phetamines or cocaine totaled 15 to 39 million; and those who injected drugs numbered between 11 and 21 million. Drug use is more prevalent in rich economies, in drug-producing re­ gions of poor countries, and is often a major health burden, the paper adds. The report said cannabis use is associated with dependence and mental disorders, including psycho­ ses, but does not seem to substan­ tially increase mortality. Illicit opioid use was listed as a major cause of mortality from fatal overdose and A man smokes a j'o/nf. About 200 million people around the world use illicit drugs, accord­ ing to a study published on Friday in The Lancet. Preparing for Labor and Delivery For Your Health Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need. ___________ THE______________ SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession. Part 18. Chiropractic And Prevention: Life doesn’t have to be a series o f emergencies anymore : It seems that I am always not work properly either. People ter. And you’d be amazed at the sick. I do what my doctor who have regular Chiropractic energy you have with preventive checkups report that they get fewer Chiropractic checkups. If y o u ’d says but if anything my colds and flu attacks are getting worse. What colds and influenza. They keep the like to trade in your colds for a stress off their nervous systems. bounce in your step, call us for do you think? A : Constant colds and influ- Keeping irritation off the nervous an appointm ent today. It could i 1 enza indicate that the immune system also helps you avoid morn­ be the healthiest call you have system (and the body in general) ing backache and head-aches and ever made. Isn’t time you stepped is highly stressed. Did you know allows you to cope with stress bet­ up to C hiropractic? that recently leading scientists have discovered that the entire immune system is an out-growth 2124N.EHancockStreet, Portland Oregon97212 of the nervous system? If you nervous system is stressed and Phone: (3 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *3 3 0 4 irritated, the immune system can- Q Flowers' Chiropractic Office For some women, the thought of labor and delivery causes a lot of anxiety. However, preparing men­ tally and physically early in preg­ nancy can help you have a smoother delivery. Many women choose a child­ birth partner. This person can be a spouse, partner, friend, or relative who can provide support through your pregnancy, labor, and deliv­ ery. He or she can accompany you to prenatal visits and childbirth classes. You can practice breathing or relax­ ation exercises together, and on delivery day, your partner can coach you through contractions and help carry out what you’ve learned in your classes. Some women also choose to have a doula, or professional labor assis­ tant. Doulas support both women and their childbirth partners and can take some of the pressure off during a long labor. Childbirth education classes help prepare women for what to expect in labor and delivery. The techniques taught in popular classes, such as Lamaze, Bradley, and Read, can vary, but the idea is the same— that fear and tension make pain worse. They aim to relieve pain through educa­ tion, emotional support, relaxation techniques, and touch. Your doctor can give you information on the different types of classes available. During childbirth classes, you will learn about a number of differ­ ent ways to approach labor and delivery. Topics that may be ad­ by D r . J ames N. M artin J r . dressed include having a natural childbirth vs. using pain relief medi­ cation during labor, episiotomy, breastfeeding after delivery, and who will be in the delivery room. If you choose to work with a midwife, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends using a certified nurse- midwifeorcertifiedmidwife. Unlike lay midwives, they are accredited, have passed a national certification exam, and are trained professionals. They work with qualified doctors to care for women and their babies through early pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the weeks after birth. Women must also consider where they will deliver. It is important to be in a setting where trained emergency medical staff are available in case any c o m p lic a tio n s a rise th at threaten the life or health of the mother or baby. Therefore, it’s rec­ ommended that all births take place in a hospital setting or a birthing center within a hospital complex. Discussing these details before­ hand can ease confusion at the time of your delivery. Y ou can make a list of options that appeal to you and share them with your doctor for review. He or she can let you know if your preferences conflict with hospital policy. Dr. James N. Martin Jr. is presi­ dent o f the American Congress o f Obstetricians and Gynecologists.