De La Salle North Catholic High School is located in the former Kenton School in north Portland De La Salle North Honors King De La Salle North Catholic N. Fenwick Ave. is hosting its along with any parents, kids and “I Have a D ream ” and hear cussion on diversity, and how High School is honoring the 5th annual Martin Luther King families who would like to come, Martin Luther King Jr.’s great- compassion must be one of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in Jr. pinning camp for wrestlers in are invited to view a video titled est speech. There will be a dis- cornerstones of character. a unique way for young athletes the school gym from 9 a.m. to in the community. 3:30p.m . The school, located at 7828 At 12:30 p.m., all athletes, Mir F a t h e r s s Bishop H.L& Evangelist Earlean P Hodge Pastor/Teacher/Revivalist Church School - 12:00 - 12:45 P.M. Worship Service 12:45 - 2:30 P.M. W ednesdays: Mission Studies 6:30 - 7:30 P.M. (room 120) School of the Prophets 7:30 - 8:30 PM. L ocation: Concordia University Campus 2800 NE Liberty (The GRW Library, Room 303) Portland, OR. 97211 S u n d ays: • (HCC) Hodge Compreheasive Counceling Service, CEO Portland Congress Center 1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Ste 1100 Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: 503-220-1790 Fax: 1 -503-220-1815 Dr. H.L. Hodge PHO Christian Councelor Saturdays 1:00pm "True Talk Radio" 8:00am A Way Out: with Dr. H.L.Hodge M I N I S T R I E S ComeandExperience Faithand Miracles! till Pastors Jerry& A n n ie Gutierrez: W o u ld liketo , ¡nyiteyou for Serry ice eyery FRIDAY NIGHT AT 7PM Services will be held at New Song Com m unity Com er 2511 NE M LK Blvd. Corner of NE MLK Blvd & Russell Street in Portland Doors open at 6pm for every service For directions or more information, call Advertise with diversity in The port]an J Observer 503 488-5481 Call 503-288-0033 w w w .m fh m p o rtla n d .c o m J