lì Page 30 M a I) a r t in 2012 s p e c ia l e d Hion raffirx HI fiffmTr-CTT ffffH PK I H M Œ T ilH B H g e d y R e v ie w /B e n e fit 4&.1QM Allen KQBUHWhes Barry Organ Kenny Jones Belinda Jiles Friday 7-9pm January II, 2012 Teen Summit Tackles Issues AME churches sponsor event To give local youth the opportunity for their voice to be heard, the African M eth­ odist Episcopal Zion churches in Port­ land and Vancouver are hosting a teen summit and young adult assembly known as ‘Teens ‘N ’ Jeans.’ The convocation-style event will take place on Saturday, Jan. 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Clark Public Utilities Build­ ing, 1200 Fort V ancouver W ay in Vancouver. The summit is geared for youth, ages 13 to 23, to learn and discuss the issues affecting young people today, including gang violence, health and wellness, and finance. Regardless of faith background, everyone is invited to attend the free all- day event. Presentations will also be m ade by com m unity advocates and industry pro­ fessionals, in hope that teens, once armed with increased inform ation about how to m eet the needs o f com m unity and com bat bad behavior, will be in­ spired to ‘be better and do b etter’, stand together and rebuild com m uni­ ties. Attendees are asked to bring an open mind, a pair of gently used or new jeans and two cans of food to donate to local homeless shelters. For more information or to pre-regis­ ter, contact Breanna Probasco-Canda at orwa_cedy outh @ yahoo.com . January 13th Jantzen Beach Mall Park Room (Across from Food Court) $10 L u t h e r K in g J r . 5 0 3 -4 1 5 - 9 4 1 3 fo r tic k e ts Albina Ministerial Alliance Annual The Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. In the Greater Portland Metroplex Celebrate in worship Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Theme: . .Remember.. .Celebrate.. .Action: A Mission Still to Fulfill” 5:00pm- Sunday, January 15,2012 Allen Temple CME Church 4236 NE 8th Avenue Portland, Or 97211 Join in the movement to keep the “Dream Alive’’ ♦♦For further information, please call (503) 287-0261 ** MLK Gospel Celebration Al 1 are w elcom e to a free cityw ide Dr. perform ances. Participants include Rev. M artin L u th er K ing Jr. G ospel service W. J. (M ark) K nutson and various com ­ celeb ratio n at A u g u stan a L utheran m u n ity m u s ic ia n s , in c lu d in g th e C hurch, 2 7 10N .E . 14th A ve., on S u n ­ A ugustana Jazz Q uartette w ith M arilyn K eller, K evin D eitz and R on Steen. day, Jan. 15 at 6 p.m . A recep tio n w ill follow . F o r m ore T he legacy o f Dr. K ing w ill be h o n ­ ored w ith various types o f m usic and the inform ation, call 503-288-6174 o r visit w ords o f Dr. K ing w oven through the augustana.org.