Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 11, 2012, 2012 special edition, Page 28, Image 28

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    M artin L uther K ing J r .
Page 28
January II. 2012
2012 sp e c ia l eclil ion
Saluting Martin Luther King Jr.
Vve seen too much
hate to want to hate,
myself, and every time I
see it, I say to myself,
hate is too great a
burden to bear.
<dMid-I\fBeauty ^upply
Love is a force
capable of
> an enemy
into a
3311 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland OR 97212
503-206-3911 • Mon-Sat 9am-7pm • Closed Sunday
5408 NE M L King Blvd, Portland, OR 97211
503- 335-0271 • Mon-Sat 9am-7pm • Sunday Open 1 lam-5pm
— Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther
King Jr.
Over 5,000 Hair Care & Nail Care Items
.... *
Established in 1970
0 ^
Volume XXXX, Number 13
v w u Wednesday
r iv s u u y ’ iv • w rc
n j i . z II.
u i 2010
, gHousir
Special Edition
inside, pages 4-5
Commuted lo C ultua l Diversify
B lack
G ifted
Portland Observer
Recognizing kids
on right track
Call 503-288-0033
a t J \ U T homs »
T h i R k tla w b O kcbv » r
Portland'» A frican- Am erican youth aiv often taught up
in a net o l negative public perception« brought by news ol
gang violence, the sobering achievement gap and school
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‘City o f Roses’
To contact
S u b s c rib e
v \ w \ :p o rtia n d p b î> ç o v i:< Q ffl
JJmdlanb ( Dhseruer
r ————————————
drop out rate*.
Hui therr *« plenty o f young bl.wk kids in Poitlaud who are
on the right path, m aking good grades. Ixuded to college,
and are m aking positive contributions to the city. A new
photographic tribute recognize* the hard work o f tom e o f
these students and shows that there is still reason to he
“ Young. Black A M ille d ." a photo essay putting the
spotlight on the accomplishments o f high-achieving A f r i­
can- American student* open* to the public on M onday
A p ril 5 at Pori land School D istrict headquarters at 5 0 1 N
Attn: Subscriptions, The
$60.00 for 6 months • $110.00 for 1 year Portland Observer, PO Box ■
$200.00 for 2 years (please include check with form) 3137, Portland OR 97208.
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D ixon St and w ill later be moved to the Lloyd Center
M all
The project is the brain child o f R eiko W illia m *, the
district's fam ily and com m unity engagement manager, who
said she got the wlea after having a conversation w ith
Mimeonc who seemed shocked when »he mentioned an
A frican-A m erican student that w atexcellin g . A ftertlteco n ­
versation she worried that all the attention » mi the problems
o f young black students was drow ning out the hard work o f
You hear *o much about d e tk its a n d achievement gaps.“
she said.
W illiam s said ihe exhibit came together with a call for
nominations o f black student-doing w ell district-w id e and
the recruitment o f a photographer mid web developer
Skylar Holt, a freshman at JetTeraon H ig h School it one o f
the 13 students featured m the exhibit
H olts gets A *s and B s in school She Joes especially w ell
m fn g lis h elasaes. taught by Anne N ovinger, one ot het
favor lie teachers, and chemistry is getting steadily easier
I lo ll plans io go to college and is thinking about law school
dow n the road
"I m enjoying it a lot.” she said o f her high school. “ I like
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on poge 19
MMitnav J cut T h o m s V T h i
P o r t i v m i <>»*♦.»* in
Skylar Holt excels as fresrimon nt Jefferson High School in north Pori lend Her contribution as one of the
city's 'Young Mack H Gifted' students is part o f a new exhibit coming to school district headquarters and
u o rd Center Mn/i.