M artin L u th er K ing J r . Page 20 January II, 2012 2012 s p e c ia l echi ion MLK JR. TIMELINE c o n tin u e d f r o n tp a g e 19 believed in a dream. 1960 • Becomes co-pastor with his father at the Ebene^er Baptist Church in Atlanta. • Eunch counter sit-ins began in Greensboro, N. C. In Atlanta, King is arrested during a sit-in waiting to be served at a restaurant. He is sentenced to fou r months in jail, but after intervention by John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, he is released. Cascade Campus we stand bé that dreartf/ /if R egistration fo r S pring Term 2012 begins on February 21. C lasses begin A p ril 2. • Student Non-Uiolent Coordinating Committee founded to coordinate protests at Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C. To learn more, call 971 -722-8888 o r logon to w w w .pcc.edu or visit us at 705 N. KiMingsworth Street. 25B0 1961 • In November, the Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel due to work o f Martin Euther King Jr. and the Freedom Riders. We’re aiial your future • Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) began first Freedom Ride through the South, in a Greyhound bus, after the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed segregation in interstate transportation. continued on page 22