kb 2012 s p e c ia l e o il io n Considering the legacy o f Martin Luther King Jr., how do (n he Neighborhood you see the fight fo r equality and justice today? M artin L u th er K ing J r . Page 2 January II, 2012 We need stronger black fathers, uncles, and grandfathers that are going to build a foundation fo r the younger generation. / definitely don't think that things have come as fa r as they should have. There is a lot more awareness, but it is still not where it should be. Albert Graham Northeast Portland Virginia Schaeffer Northeast Portland He did a good job in making people aware o f race relations in today's society, but I'm not sure people understand or practice what he preaches. We still have these problems today. Our young black kids are getting pulled over, just because. Harry Liu Northeast Portland Reggie Brown Northeast Portland Make a night of it. The Northwest's Premier Entertainment Destination S P IM I M O U N TA IN C A S IN O The Isley Brothers w . i Sunday, Jan u ary 1 5th _ Tickets start at $ 1 5 F o r T ic k e ts V i s i t spintmountain.com Hwy 18, Grand Ronde, OR ~ spiritmountain.com ~ 1 8 00 .7 60 .7 97 7