î M artin L u th er K ing J r . January II, 2012 Page 19 2012 sp e c ia l e d itio n “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” - Martin Luther King, Jr. 1958 • The U.S. Congress p a ssed the fir s t C ivil Rights A ct since reconstruction. K ing's fi r s t book, Stride T oward Freedom, is published. • On a speaking tour, M artin T uther King Jr. is nearly k illed when stabbed by an assailant in Harlem. M et with P resident D wight D. E isenhower, along with Roy W ilkins, A. Philip Randolph, and T ester G range on problem s affectin g black A m ericans. At Home Forward, we are committed to answering Dr. King's urgent question. We support participation of minority-owned, women-owned and emerging small businesses on Home Forward projects. Contact us to learn more about what we are doing for others and how you can get involved. 1959 • V isited India to study M ohandas G andhi's p h ilosoph y o f nonviolence. • R esigns fro m p a s tori ng the D ex ter A venue R aptist Church to concentrate on civ il rights fu ll time. He m oved to A tlanta to direct the activities o f the Southern C hristian T eadership C onference. continued on page 20 For more information, contact: Cinna'Mon Williams, CPPO, CPPB, MCA Procurement & Contracts Manager 503.802.8533 Cinnamon.Willams@homeforward.org ¿nJ homeforward hope, access, potential. homeforward.org A new name for the Housing Authority of Portland