pane |g i l M artin L u th er K ing J r . ----------------------------------------------------------- V ) January II, 2012 2012 s p e c ia l ed itio n MLK JR. TIMELINE continued © PORT OF PORTLAND from page 17 1955 • Received Doctorate o f Philosophy in Systematic Pheology from Poston University. • Joins the bus boycott after Rosa Parks was arrested on Dec. 1. On Dec. 5, Dr. King is elected president o f the Montgomery Improvement Association, making him the official spokesman for the boycott. 1956 We stand together, richer for our differences. We celebrate the wisdom of collaboration and the strength in diversity. • it • Phe Supreme Court rules that bus segregation is illegal, ensuring victory for the Montgomery bus boycott. 1957 • King form s the Southern Christian leadership Conference to fight segregation and achieve civil rights. On May 17, Dr. King speaks to a crowd o f 15,000 in Washington, D.C.