Page |6 U , — --------------------------------------------------- w M artin L uthe R/ K ing J r . 2012 s p e c ia l e d itio n lanuaiy 2012 -------------------------------------------------- Cowardice asks the question-is it safe? Expediency asks the question-is it politic? Vanity asks the question-is it popular? But conscience asks the question- is it right? A - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Your N eighborhood Realtors. D w ell dwell, (dwel) verb.- « To reside, live within or inhabit, to call home," Mark Borgeson * Shelly Fullwiley Chris Quinn III * Tracey Hicks Christy Marshall * Torrey Nelson High-quality college preparatory education and real work experience. An affordable choice for your family. L o c a te d in V anport Square 5 0 3 .2 0 8 .3 7 9 7 www.d w e llre a lty p d x .c o m Y. . . C h a s e & Weil, LLP DE LA SALLE NORTH CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Now accepting applications for Fall 2012. To learn more, visit our website: 7528 N. Fenwick Avenue Portland, Oregon 97217 503.285.9385, xl4 0 CELEBRATE MARTIN LUTHER KING Salutes Martin Luther King, Jr. Gerald M. Chase Richard L. Weil A ttorneys at Law 621 SW A lder St., Suite 600 Portland Oregon 97205-3621 Phone 503-294-1414 • Fax: 503-294-1455 EASTSIDH 3 ISKE.. Bl 'RNSIDH SO3-231-8926 w ww.mtisicniilleniiim.coni