kb L January II, 2012 M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . Page 13 2012 sp e c ia l e d it ion Sisters of the Road MLK March, Rally Events focus on justice for poor and immigrants Although the U. S. has come a long way since Rev. Dr. Mar­ tin Luther King Jr. led the fight for justice. Sisters of The Road is determined to remind the com ­ munity that the work for civil rights remains far from over. During a time of increasing public uprising for racial justice, immigrant rights, housing rights Ibrahim Mubarak and health for all, the downtown non-profit encourages the public to jo in them to keep K ing’s dream alive by sending the mes­ sage that no one is illegal. Supporters will meet on Mon­ day, Jan. 16, at noon at the Sis­ ters of the Road Café, 133 N.W. Sixth Ave., for their 19th annual M arin L uther King Jr. Day March and Rally. The group will gather the night before on Sunday, Jan. 15, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., to celebrate its commitment to non-violence and economic human rights with a celebration of food, music and community. Ibrahim Mubarak, the founder of Dignity Village and a co­ founder of the downtown home­ less camp Right 2 Dream Too, will be honored with the third a n n u a l G e n e v ie v e N elso n Award. “We are excited to come to­ gether on this special weekend to honor the social justice move­ ments that have come before us and celebrate our continuation of the struggle,” said Chani Geigle-Teller, community orga­ nizer. Also on Sunday, Jan. 15 at 11 a.m., the Sisters’ Dorothy Day Community School will host a special teach-in on non-violent direct action in the café, in hopes those who attend will play an active role in the march the next day. Everyone is invited to attend any of Sisters’ MLK events. For more information, or to RSVP, call Lucilene at 503-222-5694, extension 37. photo BY M ary F aber P hotography Roosevelt Service Day Honors King Portland State University is joining eight other Portland-area colleges and universities for the third annual Martin Luther King Day of Service at Roosevelt High School on Monday, Jan. 16. Volunteers will not only join Roosevelt students and alumni to landscape, paint and fix up the school, but they will also help interview and record the stories of Portlanders who have taken a stand for civil rights for the na­ tional Freedom Riders Exhibit, which is being displayed at many locations throughout the coun­ try. “Every year we look forward to honoring the legacy of Dr. King by creating opportunities to emulate his dream for the com ­ munity. The life and message of Dr. King really pulls folks to- continued on page 15 We salute Dr. King and his leadership in furthering Civil Rights. USDA Forest Service u|s; Pacific N orthw est Region for information and job opportunities: call 360.956.2327, Rolando Loya, rloya@fs.fed.us or visit the websites: www.usajobs.gov www.fs.fed.us/r6 USDA Forest Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer