% 2012 L January II, 2012 M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . Page 11 s p e c ia l e o i lion New Book, Movie Touch on King tant supporters, venerated King not only as a leader, but as a personal mentor. According to Belafonte, King recognized older civil rights or­ ganizations and his own South­ ern Christian Leadership by L ee P erlman C o n fe re n c e “ w ere T he P ortland O bserver dominated by*what he Martin Luther King Jr. called the elders...the was a great leader worthy ministers who occupied of veneration and respect, positions of influence in but still a human being with all these groups. The human failings and short­ ministers might talk the comings. In fact, two recent talk, but many balked at works touch on such issues. c o n fro n ta tio n . T hey D ire c to r M artin didn’t want to upset the Scorsese’s film “J. Edgar,” white powers in their released last year, was a communities. Nor did scathing portrait of the late they want to alienate the FBI F o u n d e r J. E d g ar bourgeois blacks who Hoover. It pictured Hoover made up most of their as coveting personal power congregations.” and acclaim, and obsessed Belafonte writes that by paranoia about the politi­ his West End apartment cal left. in New York became a Hoover accumulated files “ hom e aw ay from on the private lives of people W IT H M IC H A E L S H N A Y F R S O N home” for King where high and low, including he could truly relax, in­ Eleanor Roosevelt, John F. dulging in wine and exhibiting a Song,” published last year. Kennedy and King. Belafonte, one of the civil A c c o rd in g to S c o rse se , continued on page 15 Hoover tried to blackmail King rights m ovem ent’s most impor­ Leader seen as human with shortcomings over an extramarital affair into turning down the Nobel Peace Prize. King receives a much more sympathetic portrait in Harry Belafonte’s autobiography, ‘‘My I. E O N A R P O P l C A P R I O 4 HARRY BELAFONTE • MY SONG NOVEM BER MM| Helping make futures brighter. ; Day by day. Year after year. Bank of America Merrill Lynch is proud to support the Oregon Food Bank’s MLK Day of Service on / January 16, 2012. Together we can bring help and hope to those who need it most. Join us to celebrate Dr. King's legacy by giving back to our community. To learn more, visit www.oregonfoodbank.org/volunteer www.bankofamerica.com/opportumty Bankof America Merrill Lynch Bankof America Merrill Lynch is the marketing name for the global banking andglobal markets businessesof Bankof America Corporation. Lending, derivatives, and other commercial bankin/activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of B ankof America Corporation, including B ankof America, N.A., member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates o f Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., all of which are registered broker dealers and members of FINRA and SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • Are Not Bank Guaranteed. ©2011 Bank o f America Corporation. ARE0V2I4I GCB-115-AD14/2011