®** ^îortlanô (Observer January 4, 2012 Page 9 Elderly Eat Better for Mental Health Oregon study first of its kind (AP) — Elderly people with higher levels o f certain vitam ins and om ega 3 fatty acids in their blood score better on m ental acu­ ity tests than those who eat junk food, a new study has shown. The study published in N eurol­ ogy, the journal o f the A m erican A cad em y o f N e u ro lo g y , also showed that eating better could help reduce the brain shrinkage c o m m o n ly a s s o c ia te d w ith A lzheim er's disease. "This approach clearly shows the biological and neurological ac­ tivity that's associated with actual nutrient levels, both good and bad," said M aret Traber, a princi­ pal investigator at the Linus Pauling Institute and study co-author. Researchers at the institute at O regon State U niversity c o n ­ Elderly people with higher levels o f certain vitamins and omega 3 ducted the study, one o f the first fatty acids in their blood score better on mental acuity tests than o f its kind, along with scientists at those who eat ju nk food, a new study shows. the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. The study, carried out among 104 people at an average age of 87, specifically measured a wide range o f blood nutrient levels in­ stead o f basing results on food questionnaires, w hich are less precise and less reliable. "The vitamins and nutrients you get from eating a wide range o f fruits, vegetables and fish can be m easured in blood biomarkers," Traber said. "I'm a firm believer these nutri­ ents have strong potential to pro­ tect your brain and make it work better." Researchers noted the positive effects o f high levels o f vitam ins B, C, D and E, as well as the h ealth y o ils m ost c o m m o n ly found in fish, on mental quick­ ness and brain size. Those with a higher intake o f trans-fats — comm only found in fried foods, fast foods and other less healthy diet options - did not perform as well on cognitive tests. Researchers found that while age and education affected per­ form ance on the cognitive tests, nutrient status accounted for 17 percent o f the variation in scores, and 37 percent o f the differences in brain volume. O f those who took part in the study, seven percent show ed a vitamin B12 deficiency, and 25 percent did not have enough vita­ min D in their systems. "If anyone right now is consid­ ering a New Year's resolution to improve their diet, this would cer­ tainly give them another reason to eat more fruits and vegetables," T raber said. Study co -au th o r G ene B ow ­ m an o f the O regon H ealth and S cience U niversity added w hile resu lts needed to be confirm ed, "It is very ex citin g to think that p eo p le co u ld p o ten tially stop th eir brains from shrinking and keep them sharp by ad justing th eir diet." 12 HOURS after you quit smoking, carbon monoxide levels in your blood decrease to normal. QUIT SMOKING TODAY. CALL: 1.800.QUIT.NOW TEXT: FREE TO 51684 You may be eligible for nicotine patches or gum. You will only receive 1 response message, lext STOP to stop, HELP for help to 51684 at any time. Message and data rates may apply. Your contact information will not be sold or used for any other purpose. Haith A ijth irU y SMOKEFREE O re g o n quitnow.net/oregon