®*!* Ißortlanö (Obserucr January 4, 2012 Rose Bowl Win New Year, New Wages c o n tin u e d fr o m p a g e 3 c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t left, Russell W ilson m oved the B ad­ gers to the O regon 25 with tw o long passes, but the Badgers were dow n to 2 seconds and no tim eouts. A fter waiting for the ball to be set, W ilson spiked it to set up a last-ditch heave to the end zone, but the clock hit zeros while he did it. T he D ucks held each other b ack on the sideline during a video re ­ view that confirm ed tim e had run out. T hey storm ed the hallow ed field after holding W isconsin scoreless in the fourth quarter, celebrating the biggest victory yet in K elly's three- y ear football revolution. "W e had no doubt this y ear that w e w ere going to com e out and do big things," said D arron T hom as, w ho passed for 268 yards. "It's a big statem ent for the O regon program ." Indeed: T he last tim e O regon w on the R ose B ow l, beating Penn 14-0 in 1917, the players w ore leather h e l­ m ets, not the im possibly shiny c re ­ ations they sported M onday. T he D ucks' innovations aren't confined to their w ardrobes, and O regon has now proved its unorthodox style can w in even the biggest gam es. "N one o f us w ere around 95 years ago, and w e never talked about it," K elly said. "W e’re a forw ard-think ­ ing operation, and w e're alw ays look­ ing ahead." O r e g o n 's f o r w a r d - th in k in g schem es produced 621 total yards — second-m ost in R ose B ow l h is­ tory — against the tough B adgers, playing at its usual frantic pace until the final w histle. L avasier T uinei caught eight passes for 158 yards and tw o T D s, including the go- ahead score w ith 14:35 to play. M ontee B all rushed for 122 o f his 164 yards in the first h alf for the B adgers (11-3), w ho lost the R ose B ow l for the second straight y ear despite m anaging 508 yards o f their ow n. W ilso n re p e a te d ly m o v ed W isconsin in the final m inutes o f his spectacular single season, but A bbrederis' m istake and the e x p ir­ ing clock w ere too m uch. "It w ould have been nice to have a chance there," said W ilson, w ho passed for 296 yards and tw o scores. "W ith 1 second left, I think w e could have capitalized." T he D ucks don't doubt it. T he G randdaddy o f T hem All had never seen this m any points, beating the record 80 scored by W ashington and Iow a in 1991. "W e knew we had to score al­ m ost every tim e w e touched the ball," W isco n sin ta ilb a ck Jam es W hite said. T he D ucks and B adgers p ro ­ duced the highest-scoring first q u ar­ ter (14-14) and first h a lf (28-28) in R ose B ow l history, eventually su r­ passing W ashington's 46-34 w in ov er Iow a 21 years ago w hen W is­ consin coach B ret B ielem a w as a H aw keyes linem an. O regon's y ard ­ age fell ju st short o f U SC 's 633 yards against Illinois in 2008. Page 5 Oregon’s De'Anthony Thomas (6) celebrates his 64-yard touch­ down with Mark Asper (79) during the second ha lf o f the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game against Wisconsin, Monday, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP photo) “I have to find a w ay to m ake due and cancel the unnecessary,” she said. O w n er Jin R yu o f Js Food M art at 33rd and K illingsw orth, said a bad econom y w as m aking it tough financially for everyone. A lthough the 30 cent increase to em p lo y ee’ s w ages w eren ’ t m an­ datory under law until the N ew Y ear started, R yu said he adjusted his em ployee’s paychecks a couple o f m onths ago w hen the ann o u n ce­ m ent o f the increase became known. “ I w ant m y em ployees to be happy, w hich benefits me as w ell,” he said. “I try to be over, not less, th an the m in im u m w age. T he econom y is getting w orse.” A ccording to O C PP, O regon's m inim um w age has yet to recover its purchasing pow er peak o f 35- years-ago. In 2011 dollars, O regon's m ini­ m um w age reached $9.09 in 1976, alm ost 60 cents per hour higher than the Current m inim um w age. O regon’s m inim um w age, how- ever, is the second highest in the nation, trailing only to W ash ing­ ton, w hich saw its m inim um hourly w age rise to $9.04 this year. “O regon is the second highest in the nation, but that d o e sn ’t m ean the m inim um w age policy is good or bad,” said Ryu. Eddie D e Leon, 23, has received a m inim um w age from the 76 Food M a rt lo c a te d a t N o r th e a s t K illingsw orth and M artin Luther K ing B oulevard as a gas attendant for tw o-years now . A lthough the changes w ill m ake everyday expenses m ore reason­ able, he said, “ M inim um w age is okay for m e.” "A grow ing body o f research supports the view o f increases in the m inim um w age as an econom ic boost that does not dam pen jo b creation o r raise costs to co n su m ­ ers," S h ek eto ff said. "The $624 in additional pay for a full-tim e w orker is m odest and predictable." De Leon added, how ever, w ith unem ploym ent high, he is sim ply thankful to have a jo b at the begin­ ning o f this N ew Year. N EW 4 lU r C A N S F O R K ID S ! E A S Y & F U N TO S H O P • S E N S IB L Y P R IC E D ♦ LOCALLY O W N E D & O P E R A T E D T u rn y o u r c a n a n d b o ttle d e p o s its in to c a s h f o r p u b lic s c h o o l s a t N e w S e a s o n s M a rk e t. w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t .c o m