Page 12 January 4, 2012 CflHOV JIOUHU stir s«vi uwzifi uocuht eat well, be active, enjoy life. tuwfcfc«r YOCREAM n 'üzz* I FROZEN YOGURT ' Plan Your Party Here! (flH D V llO ß N iß 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, OR 97211 • Store Phone: 503.281.7000 Avalon Flowers 520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250 A full service flower experience •B irth d a y s • F unerals » A nniversaries • W eddings Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm Saturday 9am til 2pm. Cori Stewart— Owner, Operator Website: email: We Offer Wire Services f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ One Year Anniversary P rid e & P assion — T he C entral L ibrary dow ntow n hosts Pride & Passion: T he A frican-A m erican B ase­ ball E xperience, a traveling exhibition that e x ­ am ines the c h al­ lenges faced by b la c k b a s e b a ll p la y e rs as th ey sought equal o p ­ p o r tu n i tie s in their sport beginning in the post-C ivil W ar era until Jackie R obinson broke the co lo r barrier in 1947. T he exhibit w ill be on display until Jan. 22. O M N IM A X : F lying M onsters - For audiences o f all ages, O M S I’s new IM A X film . Flying M onsters, takes v ie w e rs to a p re h is to ric w orld. T he w o rld ’s leading L ive Jazz - E very Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m . to 11 p.m ., the T h ird D egrees L ounge at the R iver Place H otel, 1 510S .W . H arbor W ay. N o co v er o r m inim um purchase. For m ore inform ation, visit p d x m . Sir D avid Attenborough sets out to H istory C enter T reasures - G em s o f the O regon H is­ torical Society’s storage vaults have been retrieved for a ‘T reasu res o f the Vault,” exhibit now showing through Feb. 12 at the O regon History Center, dow ntow n. The pieces include golden Egyptian statues from the form er A laddin R estaurant at Lloyd Center and a U. S. A rm y uniform from O regon’s earliest days. • u ncover the truth about the giant flying reptiles w hose w ingspans o f up to 4 0 feet com pare to that o f a m o d em je t plane. W est Side S to ry --The m u s ic a l W est S id e S to ry , p re se n te d by Fred M eyer B roadw ay A c ro ss A m e r ic a , plays at K eller A u d i­ torium through Sunday, Jan. 8. M usic M illen n iu m Free S h ow s -- T he M usic M illennium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live p erform ances. Enjoy free m usic and the opportunity to m eet artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule. H um or N ight - A w esom e com edians p erform stand­ up, sketch, and m ore at the w eekly R ecurring H um or N ight every W ednesday night at T onic Lounge. 3100 N .E. Sandy Blvd. Pay as you w ish, $3-5 donation suggested. Show is 21+. A friqu e B istro B en efit - A frique B istro, 102 N .E. R ussell St., opens its doors each last S aturday o f the m onth to raise donations fo r the A frican W o m en ’s C oalition. G reat C aribbean and A frican m usic along w ith good drinks and fun people, 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m . $ 10 at the door. D iscou nt A d m ission - O M S I visitors pay only $2 per person for general adm ission on the first Sunday o f each m onth as w ell as discounted adm ission o f $5 to the Planetarium , O M IM A X T heater and USS B lueback subm arine. 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal. You make the tribute personal. Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary, order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime. Simply go to our website. Show Dogs Grooming Salon & Boutique 926 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97217 "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one ” 503-283-1177 Ihesday-Saturday 9am-7pm Monday 10am-4pm Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg and your kitty will be pretty. . T reasu res o f the V ault - A n E gyptian statute that once greeted visitors to the form er A laddin R estaurant at L loyd C enter, a U.S. A rm y uniform from O re g o n ’s earliest days, and m any other gem s that have been tucked aw ay in the O regon H istorical Society vaults have been collected for a new exhibit, now show ing at the dow ntow n H istory C en ter through Feb. 12. M el B row n L ive — P ortland ja zz giant M el B row n perform s at S a lty ’s on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday night. K now n as the “G entlem an o f Jazz,” B row n has a career spanning over 40 years. T erry F amily baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing , nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud baths, and ear cleaning. We also have health care and grooming products to keep your pet clean in between visits. N orm an S ylvester B and - B oogie C at N orm an S ylvester and his band perform Friday, Jan. 6 at the W est L inn Saloon; and Friday, Jan. 13 at T ra il’s E nd Saloon in O regon C ity. P eople’s Portlandia V ideo C om petition -- A collection o f “ P o rtlan d ia” inspired video skits m ade by local residents w ill kick o ff a preview o f the new season episode o f the C able TV series on Friday, Jan. 6 at 10 p.m . at the H ollyw ood T heater. Body W orlds - OMSI hosts the exhibit “ Body W orlds and the Brain” for a lim ited engagem ent. The show deciphers the m ystery and com plexity o f the hum an body and brain with m ore than 2 0 0 authentic hum an specim ens. Showdogs is a full service salon. We do preserved through a revolu­ tionary preservation method. Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395