November 30, 2011 fo r ila nò (Observer poses and m ental balancing tech ­ n iq u e s. P e o p le h a v e le ft th e se classes jo y fu l and w ith a peaceful S m o k e -F r e e S u p p o r t G r o u p — vie w o f their lives. Call Dr. M arcelitte M eets M ondays, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m . For FaUla a t503-228-6140. inform ation, call 503-256-4000. T e n d e r fo o t C a r e — Treat your feet O s t e o p o r o s is S c r e e n in g — A n u l­ w ith a soak, nail trim, buffing and trasound bone density screen in g m assage from a licensed nurse at one with personalized education; fee $30. o f six clinics or at your hom e. Call 503- T o schedule an appointm ent, call 251 -6303 for more information. 503-261-6611. C a n c e r R e s o u r c e C e n t e r — Provi­ F a m ily C a r e g iv e r S u p p o r t G r o u p - dence St. V incent M edical C en ter - T his to pic-oriented group offers a and the A m erican R ed C ross have safe place to discuss the stresses, jo in e d forces to create the first in- challenges and rew ards o f p ro v id ­ hospital resource cen ter providing ing care to an older relative o r friend. books, printed m aterial, co m p u ter M eets the first T hursday o f each access and m ore for individuals and m onth at 3 p.m . at L egacy G ood fam ilies dealing w ith cancer. The S am aritan H ospital. c e n te r is o p en M o n d ay th ro u g h T h u rsd ay , 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. F r e e B o d y B a s ic s — T his physician recom m ended class is appropriate I x*ad P o iso n in g P r e v e n tio n - Learn for all ages and health conditions. how to protect your fam ily from lead Plan to attend this one-session class poisoning. Ideal for folks in live in and learn the sim ple g uidelines for o ld e r hom es w ith ch ild ren o r p reg ­ safe exercises, including stretching. nant w om en. Q u alified participants C all 503-256-4000 to register. receive a free kit o f safety and test­ H ealth W atch E m p o w e r m e n t th r o u g h R e la x a tio n - Free inform al m editation classes that address breathing techniques, som e gentle ancient A frican yoga ing supplies. Call 503-284-6827. N ew borns d o n ’t com e w ith instruction m an u ­ als but parents and parents-to-be P a r e n t in g C la s s e s - can learn about a variety o f topics fr o m p a in a n d c h ild b ir th to breastfeeding to infant C PR and m uch more. F o ra schedule o f events, c a ll 5 0 3 - 5 7 4 - 6 5 9 5 o r v is it: p ro v id e n c e .o rg /c la sse s. H e a r t T a lk S u p p o r t G r o u p -M e e ts on the second M onday o f each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-251 -6260. F a m ilie s w ith M e n ta l I lln e s s - A free, 12-w eek course for people w hose fam ily m em bers live w ith m ental illness is offered at Em anuel H ospital, M t. H ood M edical C enter and Providence M edical Center. The course has been described as “life­ ch an g in g ” by form er participants. R egistration is required by calling 503-203-3326. F r e e D e n ta l S e r v ic e s D a y - T he O regon D ental A ssociation will host M ission o f M ercy dental clinic on M onday, N ov. 23 and T u esd ay , N ov. 22 at the O regon C onvention C enter. T eeth cleanings, x-rays, fil­ ings, extractions and partial d e n ­ tures w ill be perform ed on a first com e, first-served and at no charge. D oors w ill open at 6 a.m . Page 5 Youth Violence Prevention Advocate Dies about both prevention and inter­ vention program s to help youth stay d ire c to r o f the c ity ’s Y o u th V io ­ out o f gangs. le n ce P re v e n tio n O ffic e , w h ich “W e can create a com m unity that s u p p o rts lo c a l o rg a n iz a tio n s o u r young people feel they belong w ho h elp local y o u th w ith g an g - as a part o f it,” he said. re la te d o u tre a c h , in te rv e n tio n , Friends, loved ones and associ­ m e n to rsh ip and fa m ily su p p o rt. ates say Ingram w as w ell-liked and W hen asked by the Portland respected. He was active in a num ­ O bserver this m onth what he hopes ber o f non-profit organizations, in­ for in the future for our youth, he cluding Big Brothers Big Sisters and said, “I w ould like to get back to a E m anuel C om m unity Services. He place where young people feel like w as ch airm an o f the board o f d irec­ they are part o f a com m unity in­ tors for Safe Place, Inc. stead o f joining a group that carries He is survived by his w ife o f 11 detrim ental risks to it.” years, D ana. Funeral services are Ingram said he w as adam ant pending. c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need. THE University of Oregon President Richard Lariviere at Monday's meeting of the state Board of Higher Education. (AP photo) SPINAtCOLUMN UO President Fired co n tin u e d fr o m p a g e 3 K itzh ab er to lim it salary increases. T he g o v ern o r said the pay hikes underm ined his authority and have co m plicated labor negotiations with faculty at the o th er universities. Board members said Lariviere's ad­ vocacy o f the UO's independence al­ most doomed the University System's hard-fought attempt to get more au­ tonomy for the whole system. U n d er his w atch, L ariviere said enrollm ent is at an all-tim e high, and the freshm an class is m ore diverse and co m es in w ith a h ig h er grade- point average than e v er before. H e said the university has carefu lly m anaged its m oney during difficult tim es and has raised m illions in p ri­ vate giving and research grants. com plained he's being rebuked for being innovative. Lariviere angered board m em bers by lobbying the Legislature this year to give the U O m ore independence from six o th er schools o verseen by the O regon U niversity System , d e ­ spite a vote by the board opposing his proposal. H e suggested that the university have its ow n governing board, and that the state sell $800 m illion w orth o f bonds that w ould be m atched by private donations to fund the un i­ versity through an endow m ent. T he president also frustrated his superiors by giving pay raises to m ore than 1,300 U O em ployees d e ­ Associated Press contributed to sp ite an o rd e r fro m G o v . Jo h n this report. An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession. Part 12. Regular Checkups: As important to your back as they are to your eyes or teeth. Q A : I d o n ’t have any serious back problem s. W hy should I see a C hiropractor? : T hat is a good question. S om etim es w e d o n ’t realize that a sm all crick in the neck or som e slight back discom fort is b e ­ ginning o f larg er problem s w hich are often m uch m ore difficult to treat at a later stage in life. U nfortunately, eight out o f ten A m ericans will be struck dow n by severe low back pain at one tim e or another. The m echanical or struc­ tural defects o f the back usually develop slow ly and w ith very little pain, but if left untreated, m ay disable you for days, m onths or som etim es perm anently. T he likelihood o f dis­ ability increase dram atically in over 30. Fortunately, w e are able to avoid m any spinal problem s w ith regular, precautionary checkups. Just as an eye exam or dental checkup prevents potential problem s o r corrects the problem s or in its early stages, so do C hiropractic checkups. Detecte< early, spinal defects are not onb easier to treat, but m ay save a lot o pain and m oney, as well as reducing the chance o f a disabling spina d iso rd e r. T o a rra n g e fo r youi checkup, or for answ ers to anj questions you m ight have abou your health, call our office at the num ber below. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon97212 Phone: (503) 287*5504