Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 30, 2011, Page 4, Image 4

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November 30, 2011
Delayed NBA Season to Start Dec. 25
Blazers consider
GM Post and
Oden's future
knee. T w o seasons ago he broke his
left kneecap.
(A P) — N ow that N B A ow ners
and players have reached a ten ta­
tive labor agreem ent, the Portland
Trail B lazers need to resum e their
search for a general m anager.
If the lockout-ending deal struck
early Saturday in N ew Y ork is fo r­
m ally approved by both sides, the
The Rose Garden Arena will once again come to life for Portland Trail Blazers games. A tentative
labor agreement between NBA owners and players has the league beginning a 66-game season on
Dec. 25.
Greg Oden
league will play a 66-gam e season
beginning Dec 25. T raining cam ps
and free agency w ould open on
Dec. 9.
“G lad to be back!” B lazers fo r­
ward LaM arcus Aldridge, the team ’s
player representative, tw eeted S at­
urday m orning.
W hen it appeared that the lock­
out w as dragging on, the team had
suspended the search for a new GM
to replace Rich C ho, w ho had served
less than a year on the jo b w hen he
w as abruptly dism issed in M ay.
C ollege scouting director C had
Ducks Host Pac-12 Final
(AP) - The O regon Ducks don't
get the breather they've had in years
past after the regular-season finale
against rival Oregon State.
On Sunday m orning they were
back on the practice field to prepare
for the inaugural P ac-12 conference
cham pionship gam e against UCLA.
The No. 8 Ducks and the Bruins (6-
6 ,5 -4 ) have a short w eek to get ready
Buchanan was nam ed interim g en ­ qualifying offer.to stay in Portland
eral m anager, and he led a team o f back on June 29.
front-office staff in conducting the
T hat m eans the often-injured 7-
te am ’s draft in June. H ow ever, he foot cen ter is a restricted free agent.
has been ruled out as C h o ’s p erm a­ The B lazers can m atch any offers
nent successor.
that o th er team s m ake for him .
W ith the opening o f free agency,
T he 23-year-old O den d id n ’t play
the B lazers should also get a better last season after m icrofracture sur­
idea o f cen ter G reg O d en ’s future gery on his left knee. H e m issed his
w ith the team . Portland offered the ro o k ie seaso n in 2 0 0 7 -0 8 a fte r
form erNo. 1 draft pick an $8.8 million m icrofracture surgery on his right
for Friday evening's gam e at Autzen
Stadium. The conference title gam e
is new this season after the league
expanded to 12 teams.
Oregon (10-2, 8-1) clinched the
new North Division with a 49-21
victory over the Beavers in the 115 th
Civil War.
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Kelly Hired at De La Salle
De La Salle N orth C atholic H igh
School has hired the w ell-know n
Paul “ D uper” K elly to lead its b o y s’
basketball team .
K elly is a native o f Portland, a
graduate o f G rant H igh and a form er
assistant coach for Jefferson H ig h ’s
basketball team w here he w on three
state cham pionships.
R yan Slider has been hired as
C oach o f the g irls’ basketball team .
Slider, also a native o f Portland,
graduated from T ig ard H igh and is
a fo rm er assistant m e n ’s basketball
coach at Rex Putnam .
D e L a S a lle N o rth re c e n tly also
h ire d J .D . T a y lo r as an A s s o c i­
a te D ir e c to r o f S tu d e n t S u c c e s s
in th e C o r p o r a te I n te r n s h ip P r o ­
g ra m ; he w ill a ls o b e th e H e a d
W re s tlin g C o a c h . H e b rin g s e x ­
te n s iv e e x p e r ie n c e as a w r e s ­
tlin g c o a c h , m o s t r e c e n tly at
B e n s o n H ig h S c h o o l.
Patrick John Sweeney, P.C.
We are located on the
comer ofM LK and Russell
Street, on the second floor
above the coffee shop.
Parkins Area
Because o f his injuries, the form er
O hio State star has played in only 82
gam es over parts o f tw o seasons,
averaging 9.4 points and 7.3 re ­
b o u n d s.
B efo re a n y th in g can be d o n e
fro m a p e rso n n e l sta n d p o in t, a
m a jo rity on e ac h sid e m u st a p ­
p ro v e the la b o r a g re e m e n t. T he
N B A , w h ic h o w n s the N ew O r­
lean s H o rn e ts, n e ed s v o te s from
15 o f 29 o w n e rs, w h ile the union
n eed s a sim p le m a jo rity o f its 430-
p lu s m e m b e rs.
That process becam e a bit m ore
com plicated after the players d is­
solved the union on N ov. 14. N ow ,
they m ust drop their antitrust law ­
suit in M innesota and reform the
union before voting on the deal.
B ecause the union disbanded, a
new collective bargaining ag ree­
m ent can only be co m pleted once
the union has reform ed. D rug test­
ing and oth er issues still m ust be
negotiated betw een the players and
the league, w hich also m ust drop
the law suit it filed in N ew York.
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Portland Observer