Pase2 _______________ ®»» ^lortlanò (Pbseruer Transitioning Futures co n tin u ed fr o m fr o n t A lthough several w om en w ho have been in and out o f the system w ant to find jo b s, housing and begin a healthy life, W edge said there are not enough resources available throughout the city to support them . “ W e have seen a lot o f w om en w ho w ant to change their lives, but have to put it on hold because they have no place to live,” she said. T he organization, w hich provides peer m entoring and counseling for individuals during tim es o f transition, said the shortage o f housing com es at a tim e w hen the num ber o f w om en going to prison is at an all tim e high. “T here is a serious need for housing for w om en,” said Felton H ow ard Jr., a navigator at M ercy C orps N o rth w est’s R eentry T ran ­ sition C enter. “ W e ’ve noticed a great in­ crease in ju s t the last tw o years.” By w orking w ith a netw ork o f public and private organizations, H A R R P has served over 30 form erly incarcerated people since July 2010 on a m ission to better the c lie n t’s chances o f success outside o f prison, in ­ crease public safety, and strengthen fam ily and com m unity. M ore than often those w ho have been to prison have an increased level o f challenges to find a healthy safe place to stay, said W edge. “ A nd they d o n ’t alw ays have any one they can talk to about their stru g g les.” photo by M indy C ooper / T he P ortland O bserver Louise Wedge is a licensed drug and alcohol counselor and peer mentor for the Highland Access Recovery and Reentry Program. C o m e a n d Experience my f a t h e r s L J V W y* B Faith and M I N I S T Join us for our R I E S Miracles! With Special Musical Guest W- fenny