Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 30, 2011, Page 14, Image 14

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^Jarliani» (Observer
November 30, 2011
C lassified /B id
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
L egal N otices
^'T Jo rtian h dMiaerber
is “Committed to Cultural Diversity”
Diversity Works at
The Portland Observer
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
USB Huestls Basement Renovation and Addition
BP #1 - Civil, Structural, and Building Package
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
A d ve rtise m e n t for: USB Huestis Basement Renovation & Addition - Bid
Package #1
Lease C rutch e r Lewis, LLC, se rvin g as the C onstruction M anager/
G eneral Contractor (CM /G C) for the University of O regon is soliciting
bids fo r the construction o f the LISB H uestis B asem ent Renovation
and Addition in Eugene, Oregon. Term s and conditions of the bid are
outlined in Lease C rutch e r Lewis, LLC (CM /G C ) “ Invitation to B id"
dated N ovem ber 28, 2011, attached to and m ade a part of the
C ontract Docum ents.
Bids will be received at the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, (CM/GC)
600 SW 10th Avenue, Suite 310, Portland, Oregon 97205, until 3:30 PST,
Tuesday, December20,2011 at which time the bids will be publicly opened
and read aloud. Proposals shall be clearly marked “USB Huestis Basement
Bid Package #____ ”
The total building construction cost is projected to be approxim ately
$8 m illion.
Th e scope o f w ork for Bid Package #1 in cludes civil, structural
co n cre te , w a te rp ro o fin g , site c o n cre te , la n d sca p in g , m a s o n ry
precast, m etal fabrication, finish carpentry, laboratory specialties,
sh ee t m etal, curtainw all, glass, roofing, in terior finishes, and fire
sprinklers for the renovation and construction o f a science building
fo r the U n iversity o f O regon. The Electrical, M ech an ical/P lum bing,
and Aquaculture Subcontractors have already been selected based
on an RFP process.
A mandatory pre-bid conference for Civil and Structural Concrete scopes of
work (optional for remaining scopes), will be held on December 6th at 9:00
am at the LISB jobsite conference trailer located on University of Oregon
Campus at the comer of Agate and Franklin Blvd. (approximate address for
reference is 1440 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403). There is no parking
C o ntract D ocum ents and the Invitation to Bid m ay be review ed at
the follow ing locations: Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /GC)/Portland,
OR; C onstruction Data & N ew s/Portland, OR; D aily Jou rnal Plan
C e n te r/ P o rtla n d , O R ; E u ge n e B u ild e rs E xc h a n g e / E u g e n e , OR;
W illam ette Valley B uilders Association/Tangent, OR; O regon Assoc,
o f M in o rity E n te rp rise s/P o rtla n d , OR; O re gon C o n tra c to rs Plan
C e n ter/C lackam a s, OR; Salem C ontractors E xchange/Salem , OR;
S.W . W ashington C ontractors Assoc./Vancouver, W A.
For contracting opportunities with the City of
Portland, visit the Procurement Services website at:
c o n n e c t w it h u s
Need to publish a court document
or notice? Need an affidavit of
p u b lic a tio n
q u ic k ly
efficiently? Please fax or e-mail
your notice for a free price quote!
Joyce Washington
Fax: 503-288-0015
The Portland O bserver
J l o r t í a n b Q ^ b seru er
P.O. Box 3137
4747 N.E. Martin L. King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97208
Portland, Oregon 97211
W e b /A p p lic a tio n s
Inform ation System s, $ 6 0 ,8 3 6 -
$81,425 annually. D eadline: 12/
Dentures Worth
Smiling About!
Hazardous Waste Technician, $20.76
- $27.76/hr, FT. D eadline: 12/15/
Aquatics Life Support Maintenance
W orker, O re g o n Z o o , $ 2 0 .2 1 -
$25.80/hr, FT. D eadline: 12/08/
• Professional Services • Affordable Prices
• Over 20 years experience
• Full & Partial Dentures • Natural Appearance
Full Service Lab • Accepting Oregon Health Plan
P le a s e v is it o u r w e b s it e a t:
w w w .o re g o n m e tro .g o v / jo b s fo r
the co m plete jo b an n ou n cem en t
an d a lin k to o u r o n lin e h irin g
AA/EEO Employer
Melanie Block, L.D.
D enturist
Steel Buildings
200 NE 20th Ave., Suite 100
Portland OR 97232
Reduced Factory Inventory
30x36 - Reg $15,850 Now $12,600
36x58 - Reg $21,900 Now $18,800
Source: 1E9
Free parking
T erry F amily
F u n era l
H om e
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
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Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary,
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and superior care o f your loved one ”
City of Portland
Procurement Services
Dwight A. Terry
Oregon License CO-3644
1120 SW Fifth Avenue Room 750
Portland Oregon 97204
Amy S. Terry
Established in 1970
Oregon License FS-0395