V November 30, 2011 ^Jortlanò (Obstruer A X rts [NIKI —-i ENTERTAINMENT s3 Hudson’s Triumph and Tragedy Page II C«MI>V jlo M « Í Í L Í U W t t t O Z i l l VOGUAT O iirA iuii eat well, be active, enjoy life. tone r MX) uiniliM YOCREAM FROZEN YOGURT Plan Your Party Here! C flflD U t t O A H « G ram m y aw ard w inning reco rd ­ ing artist and O scar w inner Jen n ifer H udson covers the current issue o f Ebony m agazine. I t’s b een a lo n g ro ad fille d w ith b o th triu m p h an d tra g e d y sin ce h e r d a y s on A m e ric a n Id o l, but now J-H u d is fin ally fin d in g hom e a g ain . A fte r a series o f life-alterin g events, A m erica’s dream girl opens up about her incredible w eight loss, how becom ing a m other has brought her clo ser to h er ow n m other and about her life-altering trip to see husband D avid O tunga. “T h a t’s one o f the things that saved m y lif e ... I flew out to see him, th a t’s w hy I ’m still here,” she tells the m agazine. 6720 N.E. M artin Luthe r King Blvd, Portla nd , O R 97211 w w w .c a n d y k o r n e r .c o m • Store Phone: 5 0 3 .2 8 1 .7 0 0 0 JENNIFEI FINDS HER JOY Avalon Flowers AND OPEN 8 UPABOUT1 MARRIAGE, ' MOTHERHOOD , ' AND THAT FATEFULNIGHT A D U S ; il ■LVJLL FROM HOMELESS TO HERO: 520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250 T h c W Iro 'a Michael K. W illia m .1 Shocking B a tti* Against j Drugs and Demons A full service flower experience U rtili HU •Birthdays • Funerals o i o i o a i a t o n s -------------u a a u a a r . Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm Saturday 9am til 2pm. I M O U AS. M M Cori Stewart— O wner, O p era to r Rihanna Borrows from H erself ‘Talk, Talk, Talk,’ a top- notch effort (A P) — If the form ula isn't broke, don't fix it. C all it the D e f Jam way. R ih a n n a 's la te s t, " T a lk T h at T alk," is h er version o f M ariah C a re y ’s "E (equals)M C 2," and it's the follow -up to last year's "Loud," a top-notch effort from the pop singer. "Talk that T alk" is ju st as good as "Loud," full o f upbeat jam s and some slow er ones (albeit those are the w eaker tracks), all helm ed by today's top hitm akers. C alvin H arris, a singer and DJ from L ondon, produced the album 's best track and lead single, "W e Found L ove." H e w orks w ith m eg a­ hitm aker Dr. L uke on the danceable "Where H ave Y ou B een," and Dr. L u k e also c o m p o se d the alb u m tracks. op en er "Y ou D a O ne," an o th er hit R ih a n n a ’s rau n ch y th ro u g h o u t on the charts. M ore than the p ro ­ the new di s c — h er sixth effort in six ducers, R ihanna's secret w eapon is years — and it w orks. She's d o w n ­ E s te r D e a n , o n e o f th e b e s t right nasty and dem anding on the songw riters in contem porary m u ­ ad d ictiv e "B irth d ay C ake," p ro ­ sic. D ean co-w rote seven o f the 11 duced by T h e-D ream and T ricky, and she's schooling h er m an in the b ed ro o m on the fun "W atch N ' Learn." T h o u g h s e x u a lly c h a r g e d , R ihanna can get aw ay w ith having these p lay ed on the radio, and w e're not sure if anyone else could. She did it w ith "S& M ," and w ill surely do it again. R ihanna m ay have m astered the upbeat sound, but h er slow er songs need w ork: "W e All W ant L ove," produced by N o ID (K anye W est, C om m on), drags, as does the album clo ser "Farew ell," helm ed the A lex d a K id , w h o a ls o p r o d u c e d R ihanna's hit w ith E m inem , "Love R ih a n n a the W ay Y ou Lie." i •Anniversaries • Weddings Web’ ite: avalonflowerspdx.com email: avalonflowers@msn.com We Offer Wire Services A t t e n t i o n S m a ll B u s in e s s O w n e r s You could be eligible for FREE small business management training! • Operations • Sales and Marketing • Legal Services • Finance • Strategic Planning • Loan Packaging Attend a free Small Business Fair at the location nearest you to learn more! Tuesday, November 29 8:00 a .m .-2 :0 0 p.m. North/Northeast Portland Micro-Inventors Program of Oregon (MIPO) 5257 NE MLK Blvd., Suite 201, Portland East Multnomah County Mt. Hood Community College Maywood Park Campus Main Floor, 10100 NE Prescott, Portland 82nd Avenue Portland Community College Southeast Center Mt. Tabor Great Hall, 2305 SE 82nd Ave., Portland Questions? Call 971-722-5081 or email sbdc@pcc.edu Beaverton Theater Holiday Show “ H appy H ollandaise,” a light B ritish com edy that focuses on the hectic hustle and bustle o f prep ar­ ing for the holidays, is presented w eekends through Dec. 11 in the B eaverton C ity Library A uditorium , 12375 S.W . Fifth St. ' T h e p la y , p re s e n te d b y th e B eaverton A rts C om m ission, in ­ cludes a m ix o f rapidly unraveling din n er plans, a robbery and m is­ taken identity that m akes fo r a d e ­ lightful, fam ily friendly show. Perform ances are scheduled for Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m ., and S undays at 2 p.m . A dm ission is $15 for adults and $ 12 for seniors and $5 for children age 10 and under. Tickets are available at B eavertonC ivicTheatre.org, by call­ ing 503-754-9866 o r at the door. SBA Fhe Small Business Development Center is partially funded by the U S Small Business Administration and the Oregon Business Development Department. CLIMB Center for Advancement Portland C om m unity C o lleg e