Çortlanh (Observer November 23. 2011 % I N S I D E O This page Sponsored by: Page 3 Fred Meyer What's on your list today?» pinion pages 6-7 Parking Manager Charged Former official accused of taking bribes A fo rm er p ark in g o p e ra ­ tio n s m an ag er for the city of P o rtlan d has been ch arg ed w ith ac cep tin g b rib es in c o n ­ n ectio n w ith steerin g m u lti­ m illio n d o lla r city co n tra cts to a F lo rid a p ark in g m eter supplier. A criminal indictm ent charg­ ing Ellis K. M cCoy, 60, of ac­ cepting bribes in connection with his form er em ploym ent as the T ransportation D ivision M anager in Parking O p era­ tions for the Portland Bureau o f T ransportation was filed T h u rs d a y , s a id A m a n d a M arshall, U. S. attorney for Ellis McCoy (KATU photo) the D istrict o f Oregon. From June 2004 through July 2011, M cC oy is accused o f acce p tin g ch eck s and cash to ta lin g a p p r o x im a te l y $ 124,000, along w ith gifts and travel o f undeterm in ed value, w hich w ere in ten d ed to in ­ flu en ce or rew ard him in co n ­ nection w ith his m anagem ent o f the c ity ’s sm art parking N M M m a a a M M M iM m a m m eter program . The crim inal charge is the result of a joint investigation by the FBI and IRS. On Aug. 10, FBI and Internal Revenue S er­ vice agents executed search w arrants at M cC oy’s hom e in H illsboro and at his Bureau of T ransportation office in dow n­ town Portland. The indictm ent is only an accusation o f a crim e, and a defendant should be presum ed innocent unless and until proven guilty, M arshall said. M cCoy will be sum m onsed to federal district court in P ort­ land for an initial appearance before a m agistrate judge on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 1:30 p.m. He is re p re se n te d by Tom Price and Patrick Ehlers o f the F e d e ra l P u b lic D e f e n d e r ’s O ffice in Portland. H M H N N M M Candlelight Vigil for Murdered Teen N ovember C alendar page 13 R eligion _______________ C lassifieds A candelight vigil was held on Monday at the East Portland Com­ munity Center in memory of 13- year-old Julio Cesar Marquez, who was killed Nov. 6 in a sus­ pected gang-related shooting. Community members, family and friends came together to honor the brief life of Marquez, who is P o rtla n d ’s m ost re c e n t and youngest victim of gang violence within the city in over a decade. Marquez was an eighth grader at Rosie Hinton School, where teachers said he was well-liked and excelled in mathematics. The vigil included words by the Julio Cesar Marquez Marquez family, City Parks Com- missioner Nick Fish, and other concerned com munity leaders about the rising rate of gang- violence throughout the city. Martinez was a member of the skate team at the southeast Portland community center and spent a lot of time participating in the center’s recreational pro­ grams. The Latino Network has also created a Community Response Fund to provide financial support to victims of violence within the community and their families. Donations to the fund can be made to Latino Network by vis­ iting the website latent.org. page 14 Urban League of Portland Jobs Forum The Urban League o f Port­ land will hold an Urban Jobs Initiative Forum to offer prac­ tical help in finding em ploy­ ment and strategies on how to reduce the burden of unem ­ ploym ent in our c o m m u n ities. The forum will be held on W ednesday, Nov. 30 from 6 p .m . to 7 :3 0 p .m . at th e Advertise with diversity w The Portland Call 503-288-0033 H um boldt G ardens O pportu­ n ity C e n te r , 5033 N. V ancouver Ave. Participants are encouraged to bring their resume to the event. Observer ads @ port landob server.com