November 23, 2011 jportlanh (Obstruer ZooLights Illuminate c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9 “Z ooLights is a great way to start the holiday season,” said K im S m ith , zo o d ire c to r. “W e’re looking forw ard to un­ veiling some spectacular new light displays on Thanksgiving w eek en d .” New to ZooL ights this w in­ ter are strings o f lights that depict cascading snow. V isi­ tors should also keep an eye out for silhouettes o f gnomes: the fantastical garden-dw ell­ ers are part o f a scavenger hunt that can win sharp-eyed visitors a prize at the Zoo Store. M uch-loved displays from previous years make an en ­ core appearance. Life-size, 3- D beasts linger on the zo o ’s concert lawn, w hich is trans­ form ed into a 180-foot-long m e a n d e rin g riv e r o f lig h t. Hippos graze near the w ater w hile crocodiles lie in wait, ready to snap their jaw s on unsuspecting prey. O ther re­ turning favorites include leap ­ ing reindeer, trum peting e l­ ephants, playful penguins and tobogganing polar bears. In keeping with the z o o ’s com m itm ent to sustainability, most o f the lights displayed are light-em itting diodes (LEDs), w hich use only about one per­ cent of the pow er of standard holiday lights, and about 10 per­ cent of the power in mini-lights. C ostum ed anim al mascots and elves will provide enter­ tainm ent as well as fun photo opportunities, and sounds of th e s e a s o n w ill re s o u n d throughout the Elephant Plaza during the festival, with more than 100 groups perform ing holiday m usical selections. Z ooLights hours are Sunday through T hursday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m ., and Friday through Sat­ urday, 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Holiday Travel Tips c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9 Dec. 22, 23 and 27 — PDX will serve approximately 44,000 travelers each day, com pared to the normal daily average of 36,000 this tim e o f year. Enhanced security Security rem ains top prior­ ity at PDX, and the T ranspor­ tation Security A dm inistration is now using the m illim eter w av e A d v a n c e d Im a g in g Technology system to enhance security and screen passen ­ gers at security checkpoints. In addition, children under 12 years old are no longer re­ quired to rem ove shoes as part of the revised risk-based, in­ telligence driven screening pro­ cess that also helps reduce the num ber of physical pat-dow ns on children. Plan ahead PDX encourages travelers to check flight schedule infor­ m ation and travel tips before leaving home. Tips and infor­ mation are available at and by dialing 877-PDX-INFO. Follow PDX now on T w itter at flyPD X to learn about airport operations, special events and exciting new offers. The TSA also o ffers se c u rity -re la te d travel tips and a com plete list of items prohibited on flights at tsa.g o v . Park ‘n Hug PDX encourages m otorists to “Park ‘n H ug” by parking in the short-term parking garage ($3 per hour) and w alking in­ side the airport to pick up h oli­ day guests, helping avoid con­ gestion on term inal roadw ays. Stopping curbside at the air­ port term inal is only allow ed for immediate unloading or load- ing o f travelers who are al­ ready w aiting with luggage at the curb. M otorists can also park in the free cell phone w aiting area, wait for a call announcing an arrival, and then quickly pull up to the term inal to pick up guests. Signs on A irport W ay and 82nd Avenue approaching the airport will guide m o to rists to the cell phone w aitin g area on A ir C argo Road, ju st west o f 82nd A venue. my *■ 1 Page 15 Inspired by Vegan Cooking c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 8 Center known as the Living Well Bistro. “It is 100 percent organic Ve­ gan food,” he said. “You can get bowl of food for five bucks. It is designed to be accessible.” He said, however, he encour­ ages individuals to cook plant- based within their own homes as well. Although a lot of people are intimidated by the transition, he said cooking vegan is much easier than most people believe. “If you can boil water you got it,” he said. “It is so easy, it is deceiv­ ingly easy.” Although happy to say there are more and more vegan Thanksgiv­ ings taking place, he said, he cel­ ebrates and gives thanks every day for his meals. “I d o n ’t kill for my m eals,” he said. “As a com passionate per­ son and non-violent activist, I believe it takes more courage to be peaceful than it does to be violent.” “This year,” he said, “give thanks to the plant kingdom.” ¡S u b s c rib e | $60.00 for 6 m onths • $110.00 for 1 year | $200.00 for 2 years (please include check with fo rm ) 503-288-0033 Attn: Subscriptions, The Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208. I N ame : _____________ I T elephone : I A ddress : _ or email fa th er s V V Come and MH Experience Faith and E S Miracles! llO lO b M I N I S T R I Holiday Events As part o f the PDX H oli­ days Take Flight cam paign, travelers can enjoy an assort­ m ent o f food and beverage sam ples and tastings inside and outside shops; live musical en ­ tertainm ent and special holi­ d ay e v e n ts. E n te rta in m e n t schedules are listed at u n d er tab s fo r re sta u ra n ts, shops and services. Spirit A ir­ lines is sponsoring a holiday draw ing and giving away a pair o f nonstop, round-trip tickets on their new route from Port­ land to Las Vegas. C ontest rules and entry form s are avail­ able at . Advertise with diversity in T,K Portland (Observer Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob Çefittf atteC