Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 23, 2011, Page 14, Image 14

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    'ri’r ^3 o rt la nò (OhscrUer
Page 14
November 23, 2011
C lassified
United Way of the Columbia-
W illam ette s e e k s a Senior
Senior Set-up Supervisor, Portland
C e n te r fo r th e P e rfo rm in g Arts,
$ 4 8 ,1 6 3 - $ 6 9 ,8 3 7 a n n u a lly .
Deadline: 11/29/11.
Human Resources Assistant, $21.57
- $29.35 hr. FT. Deadline: 11/30/
Audio Visual Production Assistant,
Oregon Convention Center, $17.26
- $18.25 hr. PT. Deadline: 12/06/
Natural Areas Laborer - temporary,
S ustainability Center, $11.03/hr.
Deadline: 12/1/11.
P le a s e v is it o u r w e b s ite a t:
w w w .o re g o n m e tro .g o v / jo b s fo r
the com plete jo b an nouncem ent
an d a lin k to ou r o n lin e h irin g
AA/EEO Employer
Communications Manager to create
& im p le m e n t o r g a n iz a t io n a l
com m unications, plan & execute
e ff e c t iv e
s t r a t e g ic
c o m m u n ic a tio n s in it ia t iv e s /
projects, m anage com m unication
as well as social m edia outlets, &
serve as the o rgan ization ’s lead
m e d ia c o n ta c t. M in . 5 y e a rs
experience. Info: w w w .unitedw av-
p dx.o rg. Cover letter, resum e, &1-
2 w riting sam ples, Job #3000, to
em ploym ent@ unitedw ay-pdx. <org.
C lo s e s
O pportunity Employer.
A dvertise w ith diveridty in
Portland Obsen
Call 503-288-0033
Syrell Anthony McCray
A m em orial service for Syrell A nthony
M cC ray, w ho died on N ov. 12,2011, will be
held Saturday, N ov. 26 at 10 a.m . in the
Salvation A rm y M oore Street C hapel.
He was bom Dec. 11,1971 in Portland, the
third child o f B onnie and C alvin M cC ray.
He attended G rant H igh School w here he
w as captain o f the w restling and football
team s and grad u ated in 1990. He attended
Clackam as C om m unity College for tw o years.
He w orked for A nodize A lum inum for four
years, and w as em p lo y ed at O regon Steel
until failing health forced him to resign.
He m arried T rau etta T hornhill in 2000.
Survivors include his m other B onnie, step­
father R obert C hinn, brother M ario M cC ray,
grandm other Flora M cC ray, aunt R osie L ovings, uncles
Paul and D avid H all, num erous nieces, nephew s, cousins,
and friends. T he fam ily expresses sincere appreciation to
For contracting opportunities with the City of
Portland, visit the Procurement Services website at:
c o n n e c t w ith u s
In Loving Memory
City of Portland
Procurement Services
Community Dinner at Celebration
In an effort to bring the co m m u ­
nity together this holiday season.
C eleb ra tio n T a b e rn a c le C h u rch ,
8 1 3 1 N. D enver Ave., will h o ld th eir
11th annual free T hanksgiving Feast
on N ov. 24 from 12 p.m . to 4 p.m.
T he dinner w ill include v egetar­
ian options and live entertainm ent,
including aw ard-w inning singer and
A dvertise w ith diversity /'//
1120 SW Fifth Avenue Room 750
Portland Oregon 97204
F uneral
H ome
IK P i )rdandObsen e r
T erry F amily
Call 503-288-0033
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
We make the service personal.
You make the tribute personal.
Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going
the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more.
Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary,
order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime.
Simply go to our website.
“Dedicated to providing excellent service
and superior care o f your loved one ”
his longtim e careg iv er C eleste G ray and her
d au g h ter L akeshia M cC ray.
He w as preceded in death by his father C alvin
and b rother Shaw n M cC ray.
Syrell loved being creative in the kitchen. He
m a rk e te d h is o w n b a rb e q u e
sauce, creating over 60 different
recipes. A n o th er one o f his spe­
cialties w as deep-fried turkey, a
favorite at fam ily functions. He
co u ld often be heard saying, “ If I
d id n ’t learn a n y th in g e lse at
hom e, M om did a great jo b o f
teaching me how to co o k .”
His health began to fail in 2006
and continued to w orsen until his
dem ise in a nursing hom e in Hot
Springs, Ark. During his final days
he expressed a desire to return to
Portland and to spend C hristm as
w ith family.
S y re ll’s friends called him the “M ay o r.” His
fam ily will alw ays rem em ber his w arm and cheer­
ful personality and ever present sm ile.
storyteller A nne-L ouise Sterry and
E veryone is w elcom e. P o ’Shines
C afé de la Soul and C elebration
T ab e rn a cle ’s P R O SP E R m inistry
( P e o p le R e a c h in g O p p r e s s e d
People E xpecting R estoration) are
co llaborating to m ake the day a suc­
c ess.
D onations, including both per­
ishable and non-perishable T h an k s­
giving-related item s, m ostly turkeys
and ham s, o r p ap er goods, c o u ­
pons, and vouchers are accepted
and appreciated.
For m ore inform ation o r to m ake
a donation, contact Robin at 503.890-
Union Mission Hosts Thanksgiving
In honor o f the holiday season,
Union G ospel M ission will host a
large Thanksgiving m eal for com m u­
nity m em bers on Thursday, N ov. 24,
at the front o f their headquarters at 15
N .W . T hird Ave. The free event will
be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with live
m usic throughout the day.
This year, U nion G ospel expects
to serve m ore guests than ever, and
they have asked the com m unity for
help w ith donations o f turkey, stuff­
ing m ix and cranberry sauce. The
m ission also needs blanket dona­
tions for the cooler months.
Food and blankets can be dropped
o ff at 3 N .W . T h ird A ve. Financial
donations can be m ade online at
ugm portland.org o r by callin g 503-
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