Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 23, 2011, Page 13, Image 13

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    N o vem b er 23. 2011
Jordanit (Observer
Page 13
' X
Laughter and Tears for Heavy D Your Care
Stars fill NY
church for rap
pioneer’s funeral
(A P) — H eavy D w as rem em ­
bered w ith laughter and tears Friday
during a star-studded funeral ser­
vice that included Jay-Z and W ill
Sm ith, hum orous anecdotes from
longtim e friend D iddy, and w ords o f
encouragem ent for the late rapper's
family, delivered in a letter from Presi­
dent B arack O bam a and first lady
M ichelle O bam a.
"W e extend our heartfelt co n d o ­
lences at this difficult tim e. He will
be rem em bered for his infectious
optim ism and m any contributions
to A m erican m usic. Please know
that you and your fam ily w ill be in
our thoughts and prayers," read the
note from the O bam as, according to
the Rev, A1 Sharpton, w ho quoted
from it during the service.
G race B aptist C h u rch in M t.
V ernon, N. Y. w as filled to capacity
for the tw o-and-half-hour service,
w hich w as also stream ed live on the
his start in the m usic industry, and
how th eir d ecades-long friendship
co n tin u ed up until his death.
"H e becam e m y friend. H e b e ­
cam e m y brother, and I’m not talking
about frien d -b ro th er like w e c a v a ­
lierly use the w ord. I'm talking about
a real friend, a real brother," D iddy
said. "Som ebody I shared m y dream s
and m y secrets w ith, so m eb o d y
that's been there for m e at my low est
point, m y darkest h o u r w hen n o ­
body w anted to be beside m e."
S harpton drew laughter w hen he
noted that Jam es B row n "m ade us
black and proud; (H eavy D) m ade
us fat and proud."
H eavy D, w hose real nam e was
Heavy D
D w ight M yers, w as influential in
W eb. It w as so crow ded, an o v er­ the d evelopm ent o f rap as it grew
flow area w as set up. A m ong those into a phenom enon in the late 1980s
in attendance w ere U sher, Q ueen and 1990s.
Latifah, Don King, Q -Tip, John Leg­
H is hits in clu d ed "N ow T h at
end and R osie Perez.
W e've Found Love" and "N uttin'
H eavy D died last w eek in Los But Love"; m uch o f his music m arked
A ngeles at the age o f 44. H is fam ily the "N ew Jack Sw ing" era in urban
said the death was due to c o m p lica­ m usic, and he stood out from the
tions from pneum onia.
pack w ith his rhym es, typified by a
S ean "D id d y " C o m b s ta lk e d positive vibe and a lig h th earted ­
about how H eavy D helped give him ness that endeared him to so m any.
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