Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 23, 2011, Page 11, Image 11

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    November 23, 2011
^îortlanh (Observer
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eat well, be active, enjoy life.
tu J* k , r yocream
Plan Your Party Here!
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www.candykorner.com • Store Phone: 503.281.7000
Avalon Flowers
520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250
A full service
flower experience
• Funerals
Cyclists take over the track at Portland International Raceway during a Bike the Lights Night at the
Jubitz Winter Wonderland, the region's largest drive-through holiday light show.
W itfb g r W r i:<gLeTZart4
Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm
Saturday 9am til 2pm.
■T ■ ■ ■ H
Cori Stewart—
Owner, Operator
O n e o f th e re g io n ’s fa v o rite
h o lid a y tra d itio n s , J u b itz W in te r
W o n d erlan d p o w e red by C om cast,
re tu rn s fo r its 19th sea so n b e g in ­
n in g T h a n k s g iv in g D ay an d ru n ­
n in g th ro u g h C h ris tm a s at P o rt­
la n d In te rn a tio n a l R a c e w a y in
n o rth P o rtla n d .
T he largest drive-through ani-
m ated light show in the N orthw est night o u t” for pet lovers on M on­
attracts m ore than 100,000 people day, N ov. 28; and a convoy night
annually w ho view sp ectacu lar d is­ w ith a dazzling parade o f decorated
plays o f lights and anim ation from trucks from the Jubitz Travel C enter
the com fort o f th eir personal v e­ on M onday, D ec. 12.
h icles and tour buses.
R ates are $ 16 for each car load,
A num ber o f special ev en ts w ill and discount coupons are available
return this year, including a run and at Jubitz. T he event runs through
w alk on Saturday, N ov. 26; a “dogs C hristm as Day.
Comedy is Anti-Holiday Classic
Portland Center Stage’s fresh coat of naughtiness
E lf-dom ju s t got a fresh coat o f naughtiness!
T he third annual production o f T he S antaland
E llyn B ye S tudio w ith a new C rum p et the E lf in
tow , actor Jim L ichtscheidl.
The Santaland Diaries preview s on Tuesday,
day through Sunday through Dec. 31. Tickets
start at $31 for general adm ission o r $25 for those
under 30. Student discounts are also available.
B ased on the true chronicles o f w riter and
Website: avalonflowerspdx.com
email: avalonflowers@msn.com
We Offer Wire Services
Attention Small Business Owners
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Attend a free Small Business Fair at the location
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Tuesday, November 29
8:00 a.m .-2 :0 0 p.m.
North/Northeast Portland
Micro-Inventors Program of Oregon (MIPO)
5257 NE MLK Blvd., Suite 201, Portland
East Multnomah County
Mt. Hood Community College Maywood Park Campus
Main Floor, 10100 NE Prescott, Portland
D iaries is set to return to P ortland C enter S tag e’s
N ov. 29, opens on Friday, Dec. 2 and runs T ues­
82nd Avenue
Portland Community College Southeast Center
Mt. Tabor Great Hall, 2305 SE 82nd Ave., Portland
Call 971-722-5081 or email sbdc@pcc.edu
c o m m en tato r D avid Sedaris' experience w o rk ­
ing as a C hristm as e lf nam ed “C ru m p et” in a
b u tin
M acy's d epartm ent store in N ew Y ork C ity, this
The Small Business Development Center is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business
Administration and the Oregon Business Development Department.
cult “anti-holiday” classic riffs on a few o f Sedaris' truly
Public R ad io ’s M orning E dition a few days before
odd encounters w ith his fellow m an during the height
C hristm as in 1992. L ater adapted by Joe M antello into
o f the holiday crunch.
a one m an show , the S antaland D iaries enjoyed suc­
T he Santaland D iaries launched S edaris’ career when
his perform ance o f the piece w as aired on N ational
• Weddings
cess in past P ortland C en ter Stage productions in 2002,
2 0 0 3 ,2 0 0 4 ,2 0 0 9 and 2010.
Center for Advancement
< c¿ > Com m unity