^tlortlanb (fibseruer November 9, 2011 Page 7 Soldiers Bound for Afghanistan * 111 1 €111 v/I uV 11IV 111 bers of the Oregon Air National Guard’s 125th Special Tactics Squad­ ron is deploying to Af­ ghanistan for a 6-month rotation. This is the first large deployment of the unit since it was formed in 2005. In the past, smaller groups of the squadron have dropped into war zones and worked on search-and-rescue op­ erations. Members are trained as combat drivers, para­ chutists and special op­ erations weathermen. Members of Oregon Air National guard’s 125th Special tactics Squadron stand in formation during a change o f command and mobilization ceremony last August a t the Portland Air National Guard Base. Public Housing Waiting Lists Open c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3 those w ho e n co u n ter barriers to housing, and to assure that people o f the com m unity are sheltered. T he w aiting lists, said M archesi, only becom e open w hen the wait tim e, w hich can be up to seven years, drops to a y ear or less. “ It varies, but this typically happens once, m aybe tw ice, a y ear,” she said. “T hat is one reason w e w ant folks to be aw are o f this because it d o e sn ’t happen very o fte n .” She said, how ever, w henever the econom y is in a challenging state the need for affordable housing in ­ creases. “ It is an unm et need,” she said. “ W e d o n ’t have enough hous­ ing that is affordable for everyone in the co m m u n ity .” M any challenges often arise for people w ho are a fixed incom e, in­ cluding m any senior citizens w ho survive on social security, she said. “T hat is not enough m oney to a f­ ford a m arket rent price. A lso, if you have a lim ited incom e, it is very unlikely you w ill find an apartm ent that is affordable for you out in the open m arket.” M archesi explained affordable housing is truly m eant to help those w ho have lim ited incom e, and w ant to find a hom e that is affordable to those incom es. A s a general rule, she said, no one should be paying m ore than 30 percent o f your incom e because it m akes it m uch harder to pay for basic needs, like food or childcare. “Som eone paying h a lf o f their incom e tow ards rent is considered “rent b u rd en ed ’,” she said. “A nd they w ould have issues affording very basic and necessary things o f life.” She said this is w hy the opening o f the w aiting list is such an im por­ tant progression for people to be able to have access to rent they can afford. “ If they are a senior or have a disability, this is a great o p p o rtu ­ nity for them to get on a w aiting list for housing that is affo rd ab le,” she said. "M ost live on fixed incom es, and those are often really very low fixed incom es.” H om e Forw ard, which is a public corporation g o v erned by a nine- m em ber citizen com m ission, serves all o f M ultnom ah C ounty, including the cities o f Portland, G resham , Fairview and T routdale and other E ast C ounty com m unities. A pplications for the w aiting lists w ill be available at the individual apartm ent leasing offices during the dates o f the opening and can be dow nloaded from the H om e F o r­ w ard w e b site d u rin g th e sam e timeframes. A pplicants for the second w ait­ ing list opening m ust have a head o f household, spouse, o r co-head o f household w ho is 62 o r o ld er or w ho has a physical or m ental disability. D uring the dates o f the o p en ­ ings, applications can be subm itted in person at the apartm ent co m m u ­ nity, by fax, o r can be m ailed to the apartm ent com m unity. For m ore inform ation, visit H om e F o rw ard ’s w ebsite h ap d x .o rg . 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