ïljt Page 6 ^ 3 ^Jortlant» (Observer November 9, 2011 BROOKS STAFFING A Division o f S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. ■HH Your Full Service Staffing Company MEDWeek Local & Federal S ta ffin g T e m p o ra ry S ta ffin g Services E m ployee R ecruitm ent & Executive Searches Brooks Staffing has been a long-term partner of the Minority Business Opportunity Committee to aid their mission: "To lead public and private organizations in achieving a regionally diverse and sustainable business community." We do it because we care about our community and its people. Think Jobs, Think Brooks C onsulting BROOKS A p p fy & Test O n lin e R E S P O N S IV E , M EM BER: A P O R T L A N D B U S IN E S S A L L IA N C E Ain.*n»iui Stsvbng ^Nuxurion OWIf S T A F F IN G IN N O V A T IV E , GS A Schedule Contract Holder D IV E R S E 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 sbrooks.com jobs@sbrooks.com 800.540.7930 503.284.7930 [o] 503.284.7977 [ f ] S E R V IN G THE PAC IFIC N O R T H W E S T FOR 3 0 YEARS photo by M indy C ooper /T he P ortland O bserver Retired Lt. Col. Leneld E. Brown is founder of the Portland chapter of the National Association o f Black Veterans. Advocating for • Those Who Served c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t PUT UOUR TO U5 Get connected with your military education benefits. Veterans’ benefits advice is available every 2nd Thursday from 8 a.m.- noon in the Student Center. Visit pcc.edu/vets to learn more. I Cascade Campus Salutes Flmerica's : - ...— V eterans trying to attain m y b enefits, I d id n ’t understand the p ro ced u re.” For o v er 24-years, B row n served his co u n try ..In 1994, how ever, he suffered from a stroke and was forced to find other options because o f his current state o f health. “ I w as looking fo r som ething to do, and I w anted it to be som e kind o f volunteer w ork because I couldn ’ t function as an en g in eer,” he said. ‘‘I am a disabled retired vet, and I wanted to volunteer m y services.” In h is o w n p e rso n a l e ffo rts , B row n recalls the difficulties he had in retrieving his benefits once he becam e retired. “ It w as fru stratin g ,” he said. “ I w a sn ’t looking to be a leader,” he said. “ But b ecause I had such a hard tim e getting m y b e n ­ efits, I w anted to help educate o th ­ ers about the p ro cess.” So after a lot o f hard w ork and a little bit o f time. Brow n was aw arded a ch arter for the P ortland ch ap ter on N ov. 4, 2006 w ith essentially no facilitated budget. “ I w as basically w orking out o f m y c a r w ith a c o m ­ p u ter,” he said. A lthough the Portland chapter, located in an office dow ntow n, origi­ nally began w ith m erely 13 v eter­ ans, the v o lu n teer-b ased ch ap ter currently has o v er 100 m em bers. Most o f the group’s efforts go to­ wards education o f the processes to attain veterans benefits, Brown said. O n the surface, he said, one w ould say it is h ard er for A frican A m eri­ cans to get th eir benefits. “ I say, there is alw ays 10 percent that d o n ’t get the inform ation, and that 10 p er­ cent appears to be m ainly A frican A m ericans,” he said. A ccording to B row n, attaining the inform ation to understand the process is the biggest barrier, w hich is a frequent p roblem for m any v et­ erans w hen they first get out o f the service. B row n said m ore than often, the w hite soldier gets a break. “ It has been like this since the days o f the C o n stitu tio n ,” he said. B row n explained, how ever, there have been drastic, y et slow , changes w ithin the m ilitary, especially since the A rm y w as d esegregated w ith P resid en t T ru m an , w hich began w ith P resident R oosevelt. Brown, who entered the army in 1968, said the number of black officers was very few. “I saw a lot o f racism in the military, but things have gotten a lot better,” he said. “The military is one o f the best places where de-segregation has occurred because it is based on a' rank system.” “ Y ou are not saluting the c o lo r o f my face, but the rank on m y sh o u l­ der,” said Brow n. “ A t one tim e, all vets qualified for all benefits. B utthe veteran popu­ lation is grow ing, and the benefits seem to be shrinking,” he said. “T his is hard for A frican A m ericans, but equally as hard for all ethnic groups.” F o r m ore inform ation o r to c o n ­ tact the B lack V eterans chapter, call 503-412-4159.