Fortiani» (Obstruer Page 28 November 9, 2011 SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life.. This Veterans Day. Believe in heroes your I R e w a r d P o in ts Please don ate in-store N o ve m b er 11-13 to help wounded service members in your community. To learn m ore, visit b e lie ve in h e ro e s.o rg . 8 0 % Lean Ground Beef Rancher’s Reserve’ Boneless Beef Chuck Pot Roast Not to exceed 20% tat Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $1.40 lb. Or Round Tip Roast SAVE up to $2 50 lb. pi Club Price C reate y o u r Thanksgiving m e a l w ith a p lu m p tu rk e y fro m Safew ay. Eating Right* Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts Assorted Pork Loin Chops Or Tenders, Thin Sliced or Thighs. SAVE up to $2 50 lb. Bone-In. Extreme Value Pack. J u m b o C o o k e d S h rim p Club Price G re a t* Turkey Prices 5 - lb . Box S e e d le s s 26 to 30-ct. Or 31 to 40-ct Raw Peeled and Devemed Shrimp. S6 99 lb Previously frozen. SAVE up to S6 00 lb S a ts u m a M a n d a r in s Safeway Turkey SAVE up to S1 0 0 ea. Club Price Club Price « ■ Frozen Grade A. 8 to 24-lbs Limit 1 with an additional $SO purchase While Supplies Last S a fe w a y K itch e n s W h e a t B read s 22-oz. 100% Whole or Crushed Wheat SAVE up to 50c See below for additional details F resh E x p re s s S a la d s Fuji, G ala or B ra e b u m A p p les 9 to 12^» Seiedtd va- ebes SAVE« a $1 OOea 09-3.’ BagoVFresh SAVE up to 60 e lb Egress tow.. 2/$3 Honeysuckle Turkey Club Price M Frozen. Grade A. 8 to 24-lbs Limit 1 with an additional $50 purchase While Supplies Last ■ K e llo g g ’s Raisin B ran R u ffle s P o ta to Chips r 20-07 or Apple Jacks 12 2 02 ciub rrtc» a Cereal Club Price $2.50 ea SAVE up to $3.58 on 2 8 5 to 9.5-oz Selected varieties SAVE up to $ 4 2 9 on 2 Eating Right* or Safeway SELECT* Meals 'See below for additional details. 6tol24-o2 Selected varieties Oub Price $166 ea SAVE up to $2 04 on 6 Sftnet Smoked Safeway Spiral Sliced Half Ham Campbell's Condensed Soup Quilted northern or M l Bath Issue or Brawny or Sparkle Paper Towels L u c e rn e * S h re d d e d o r C h un k C heese 10.5 to 11.5-02 Selected varieties Regular Club Price: $1.39 ea 12-RoUTssue or 6-Roll Towels Selected varieties SAVE up to $2 00 32-02 Medium Only Club Price Bone-In Limit 1. While Supplies Last. i uw, rw I HHU Itc iso w U W 2 iriiiMcaicv waei ucfew 1 2 -P a c k C o ca -C o la Arm s Hammer Detergent Safeway SELECT* or 12-02. cans Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $20 97 on 5 6 0 .5 to 75-02 Liquid Selected varieties. SAVE up to $ 5 9 9 on 2 Open Nature ‘ Ice Cream 1 5 -q t Selected varieties. SAVE up to 5 2 00 NEW DVD! O fk fM W W IU » I I - N » « I», l O t l *15» «22» Available at 12 01 am 11/1 m i NOVEMBER FkxdOarytodDarySubsttules. Prestnpfcf t e n and Co-payments Buswnmma Passes, FstnnaHunUng leers« and Tags Prtipe S wims , Monev Oroers. Money Transters Ski Tickets. Amusement Parti Tckets. Evert Txkefe. loflety Tckeh, Phone writs G if Cards and GUI Cerntxa» also excludes Bottle Dero* art ON and Saw fax U N One turkeyPer Hxsetod u SS ted to owilmiES on hand subject to mwmjty < WtEaWJESlASINORAWOf 0 6 VOBWHERE W M fi'i i. BY LAW UN reserve Ihe rigrt b axiecttypograpoal, ■ pcbraandotwaoenors.OffcrexpnsiViWOi! 0«bvw «ad w urn p-tts «Ren *4 èM M M t aay Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, November 9 thru Tuesday, November 15,2011. W tD THUR FRI 5AT SUN MON TUtS ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY Selection varies by store Prices in this ad are effective 6 AM Wednesday. November 9 thru Tuesday November 15 2011 in all Safeway stores in Oregon (except Milton Freewater) and S W Washington stores serving Wahkiakum Cowlitz Clark Skamania and Klickitat Counties items offered for saie are not available Io oilier dealers or wholesalers Sales of products containing ephedrine. pseudoephedrine or ptienyfpropanolamine limited oy law Quantity rights reserved SOME ADVERTISING I TIMS MAY NO1 BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES Some advertised prices may be even lower in some stores On Buy One. Get One Free ("BOGO") offers customer must purchase the first item to receive Ihe second item free BOGO offers are not 1/7 price sales It only a single item purchased the regular price applies Manufacturers' coupons may be used on aurchased items only — not on free Items Limit one coupon pet purchased tern Customer will be responsible for tax and deoosts as required by law on the purchased and free items No liquor sales in excess PO-OB of 52 gallons No liquor sales for resale Liquor sales at licensed Safeway stores only © 2011 Safeway Inc Availability of items may vary by store Online and In store prices, discounts and offers may differ Chicken Pot Pie Filler Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 w hole (6 split) chicken breasts, bone-in, skin-on 3 tablespoons olive oil K osher salt Freshly ground black pepper 5 cups chicken stock, preferably hom em ade 2 chicken bouillon cubes 12 tablespoons ( 1 1 /2 sticks) unsalted butter 2 cups yellow onions, ch o p p ed (2 onions) 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup heavy cream 2 cups m edium -diced carrots, blanched for 2 m inutes 1 (10-ounce) package frozen peas (2 cups) 1 1/2 cups frozen sm all w hole onions 1/2 cup m inced fresh parsley leaves Pastry Ingredients: • • • • • • • • 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons k o sh er salt 1 teaspoon baking pow der 1/2 cup vegetable shortening 1/4 pound cold unsalted butter, diced 1/2 to 2/3 cup ice w ater 1 egg beaten w ith 1 tablespoon w ater, for egg w ash F laked sea salt and crack ed black pepper Directions: 1. P reh eat the oven to 350 degrees F. 2. C hicken breasts are p laced on a baking sheet and rub them w ith olive oil. Sprinkle generously w ith salt and pepper. R oast for 35 to 4 0 m inutes, o r until cooked through. Set aside until cool enough to handle, then rem ove the m eat from the bones and discard the skin. C ut the chicken into large dice. Y ou w ill have 4 to 6 cups o f cubed chicken. 3. To p rep a re the fillin g , in a sm all saucepan, heat the chicken stock and dissolve the bouillon cubes in the stock. In a large pot or D utch oven, m elt the butter and saute the onions over m edium - low heat for 10 to 15 m inutes, until translucent. A dd the flo u r and cook o v er low heat, stirring constantly, fo r 2 m inutes. A dd the hot chicken stock to the sauce. S im m er over low heat fo r 1 m ore m inute, stirring, until thick. A dd 2 teaspoons salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, and heavy cream . A dd the cubed chicken, carrots, peas, onions and parsley. M ix well. 4. F o r th e p a stry , m ix the flour, salt, and baking po w d er in the bow l o f a food pro cesso r fitted w ith a m etal blade. A dd the shortening and butter and m ix quickly w ith your fingers until each piece is coated w ith flour. Pulse 10 tim es, o r until the fat is the size o f peas. W ith the m otor running, add the ice w ater; process only enough to m oisten the dough and have it ju s t com e together. D um p the dough out onto a floured board and knead quickly into a ball. W rap the dough in plastic and allow it to rest in the refrigerator for 30 m inutes. 5. P reh ea t th e oven to 375 degrees F. 6. D ivide the fillin g equally am ong 4 o v en p ro o f bow ls. D ivide the dough into quarters and roll each piece into an 8-inch circle. Brush the outside edges o f each bow l w ith the egg w ash, then place the dough on top. T rim the circle to 1/2-inch larger than the top o f the bow l. C rim p the dough to fold o v er the side, pressing it to m ake it stick. Brush the dough w ith egg w ash and m ake 3 slits in the top. Sprinkle w ith sea salt and cracked pepper. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour, o r until the top is golden brow n and the filling is bubbling hot. • .