Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 12, 2011, Page 3, Image 3

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    ‘El?t ^lortlanb (Òbserucr
O ctober 12, 2011
O pinion
I ms page
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Page 3
pages 6-7
pages 9
Portland residents will be able to combine food scraps along with yard debris in their green yard
debris roll cart beginning Oct. 31.
Garbage Pickup Changes
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W A V tO
fo o d
P n m n n c tin r r
v u ilip u ^ u ilg
were adopted by the Portland City
C ouncil in hopes o f encouraging
m o re r e s id e n ts to re c y c le ,
C om posting w ill now be collected
C om posting food
accounts for alm ost
garbage w eight, will
to landfills and redu
every week, while garbage will switch g ases re le ase d by
to every oth er w eek.
food. Food scraDs a
C ari H achmann
T he P ortland O bserver
P o rtla n d re sid e n ts can beg in
com posting food scraps as o f Oct.
31 by discarding the biological m a­
terials in th eir green yard debris roll
N ew garbage and recycling rules
pages 10-13
H ealth
Margaret Carter Honored by PCC
Ceremony to name building for community leader
C lassifieds
O ctober C alendar
F ood
page 19
Portland Com m unity C ollege will
renam e and dedicate the T echnol­
ogy Education Building on its C as­
cade C am pus in north Portland in
honor o f form er state Sen. M argaret
The official dedication will m ark
the first tim e in PCC's history that one
o f its buildings has been nam ed for a
wom an. Carter, w ho broke racial bar­
riers as a state law m aker, has served
the local com m unity for decades. She
is also a form er student, counselor
and instructor at PCC.
A dedication cerem ony is planned
for 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 21. The
festivities will begin with a program in
Margaret Carter
Cascade's M oriarty A uditorium with
a slate o f guest speakers that in­
cludes Gov. John Kitzhaber; U.S.
Reps. Earl B lum enauer and Kurt
Schrader; fo rm er PC C M argaret
C arter Skill C enter student T am iko
Phillips; O regon Historical Society
D irector K erry Tym chuk; and C arter
A fter the formal program con­
cludes, the audience will proceed
across the cam pus to the new ly-chris­
tened Senator M argaret C arter T ech­
nology Education Building, where
the building will be officially dedi­
cated, and its new perm anent nam e­
plate unveiled.
"It is our great honor to nam e one
o f our buildings for Senator Carter,"
said Cascade Cam pus President Algie
G atew ood. "She has spent her adult
on page 5