October 12. 2011 ®lf* ^Jortlanb (Obstruer Page II fNTtCTAIMifM October Show at Guardino G uardino G allery, 2939 N.E. A lberta St., puts a special sp o t­ light on three artists during O ctober. M a rk C la r s o n w orks in sculpture us­ ing fabricated steel, cast bronze, alum inum , and cast g la ss to c re ate larg e se m i-m o n u m e n tal pieces. C larson's w ork often relies heavily on w him sical humor. K im H am blin s art is a unique blend o f paper cutting, painting and nails. T he w ork appears indus­ trial, yet also has a delicate feel. H er them e is for this show is natural science. Tim Tim m erm an will be show ing his unique m ixed m edia assem blages. H e creates paintings and c o m ­ bines them w ith found objects, adding clay, bronze and glass. NE ALBI RÍA i c. V.. i.’?* . - t -;. ’• i • / «•'» e \» •< - * >> •>?*. • *i „ ’ ' . í- viC V ,4’ • l ;< < > »* >b '** ' . iím .' '*!3Pà’s*,*'Îÿî?Si€ïâï _ * k * , ’ , Kim Hamblin’s ‘White Owl' is created from paper, paint and nails. Mark Clarson's fabricated steel and cast bronze, ‘The Escape. Tribal Storytellers to Share Culture T h e fin e st tra d itio n a l N ativ e A m erican storytellers w ill g ath er at P ortland State U niversity for the N orthw est Indian S torytelling Fes- rival, T hursday, O ct. 13 through V Sunday, O ct. 16. T he sixth annual event w ill be held at the N ative A m erican Stu- dent and C om m unity C enter on PSU cam pus. T he them e w ill be indig- / J enous harvest and food gathering, w ith stories told by m aster tellers each evening, and em erging tribal tellers at the Sunday m atinee. E ntrance is open to the public w ith a sliding scale suggested d o ­ ton, and Idaho. T h e g ro u p also nation o f $5 to $20. shares tribal oral cultural arts w ith T he N orthw est Indian Storytell­ the regional com m unity. Sponsors e rs ’ A ssociation, the host o f this o f the festival include Indigenous event, encourages, preserves and N ations Studies at PSU , the N orth­ strengthens traditional storytelling w est Indian S torytellers A sso cia­ am ong tribes in O regon, W ashing- tion and W isdom o f the Elders, Inc. CARTING OCTOBfft 3 l « add ,ood scrapS a,° ng wi*h va™ can in Your