P age I0 Cl?t ^Tortlanh (Dbseruer O c t o b e r 12, 2011 LABOR DAY DEALS New in a box, in stock and ready for pick up i Liquidators Furniture Warehouse -1 6 0 ,0 0 0 savings! Open 9 - 6 everyday n » . « T u e st Thing in Stating LEATHER B u cket S e a tIn q ( * • fa u lt ENIEOTAINMFNI ,e d in in g NUnwahCh**» 45hx33wx33d 5 Pc 0 ii mg S« t ' Contmtfotaty net ¡ii am »ootf ft 7,1» alioatcilaeie id J n ¿¡wot Unit* Chair E le c tr ic 2 P o s itio n L if t C h a ir s 999 $599 Minors Ashley Rtcliner iftû(0jiîe JulianneJohnson Ashley Bookcase Buy one get the 2nd one at Computerà »«hand Hutch1 Con|«ir» R e c lin e r w i t h G lid in g ____ i O t to m a n /. _ S249 R elax Y ourself A s h le y S o fa Virco Task G u e s t C h a ir Chairs I 101«!«»' ¡•«tei*» ¡'oí» tai«* ladine. mitaHik <*£*»!’ur A m uifig deai- The se chans were made for an east coast college The school pays $200 a chair- oar pficé Patrick Lamb Local Celebrities Host Benefit Saturday concert at Madeleine Parish A n e v e n in g w ith J u lia n n e J o h n s o n an d frie n d s , fe a tu rin g Patrick Lam b and M ichael A llen H arrison, w ill benefit a non-profit com m unity in w hich people w ith and w ithout developm ental disabili­ ties share life together. The concert will be held on Satur­ day, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Madeleine Parish, 3123 N.E. 24th Ave. Johnson, a renow ned local artist long know n for h er philanthropic w ork, perform s a w ide range o f m u ­ sical genres from ja z z to R & B, M otow n to B roadw ay, and gospel to blues. Lam b is a soulful and v i­ brant saxophonist w ell-know n to Portland audiences fo r his cap tiv at­ ing perform ances at the W aterfront B lues Festival, Jim m y M a k 's and the O regon Sym phony. H arrison delivers m usic direct to the heart through the keys o f his piano. His m usical artistry, upbeat sound and skills at producing and creating music for ballet, theater and film have entertained audiences for decades. All proceeds will go directly to support L ’ A rche, one-of-kind org a­ nization that differs from typical group hom es in that the caregivers choose to live in com m unity as fam ­ ily w ith adults w ith developm ental disabilities. T his difference creates a culture o f equality and grow s out o f the co m m u n ity ’s b elief in the unique value o f every person and o u r need for one another. T ickets are $20 in advance and $ 2 5 at th e d o o r. V is it la rc h e - portland.org o r call 503-251 -6901. *at».*i*. w is only $21W General Merchandise & Brats Departments Dickies Work Gloves 6enuine goat skin Bonded leather • tarlo«* Ktaet-in m m m» mc Push-Back R ecliners j a box- B u y '1 To (la - G ,tlt W Car W indow Flags Otego« lucks or 051 lettien Don't pay a lot more a t a P ow er P a in te r Pro eoli«*»). cofiy-ok-üe« Finish the tog jobs fast' Lock n Go I/oar K i t m the overkead l a l T o ile t S e a t P oker Sets Cushioned for comfort Ceramic Briquette« "« **« Beer Bucket irwtriifk 54" TourC/wrbe o 7 7 Siek. Bead ioa Glasses «■j»»«: Picnic Table WirtSOSJO ContMUjf0'rul*n ws« -Ots$nH styles' M K IN M B t'M « • «Mt i itw q n • W.I i lart« li JJ 3(153251*4 «»e 548" $2M 5 0 3 -2 3 0 -7 7 1 6 OFFICE FURNITURE: 5 0 3 - 2 3 8 - 4 4 7 7 NEW HOME FURNITURE: O pen 7 D a y t 9 a m to f p m www.cityliquldaton.com ' Garden Stool f a Wet) Site Waits Your Input Gar Ihlbur Meat pom artrnfUM tort (Ore 6 FOOT BOOKCASE DINNER THEATRE Ä Ä . SPECIAL GUEST & OCT. 15TH @ 6:00PM w/ f